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EACEA National Policies Platform


2. Voluntary Activities

2.9 Skills recognition

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Policy Framework
  2. Existing arrangements

Policy Framework

Young volunteers who participate in IPDJ,IP volunteering programmes can receive a youth pass certificate (passe jovem), created by the Ordinance no. 336/2017 of 7th november . It is a free national tool for registering participation, as well as for the recognition and validation of learnings developed by young people (between the ages of 12 and 18) in processes and activities in the field of non-formal educational, outside of the school context. The IPDJ, I.P., assesses, recognizes, registers and certifies in the Youth Pass the learning profile of young participants. Access to the recognition and validation process is optional and must be required and authorized by young people participating in the covered programmes.

This certificate, with the seal of the IPDJ, I.P. is composed of four segments:

a) Essential personal data of the young person in question;

b) Participation record;

c) Learnings record;

d) Issue date of the certificate.


The participant can, at his/her discretion, interconnect the Youth Pass with the completion diploma of his/her compulsory education.

Existing arrangements

Volunteers may also have their volunteering activities recognised using ECTS credits, which depend on each University procedure (ex: Universidade Nova; FCUL).

Portuguese National Agency of Erasmus+ YA Programme promotes the use of the European tool Youthpass for the recognition of non-formal learning, for all young people that participate in Erasmus+ mobility projects.