3.11 Current debates and reforms
In 2017, the Flemish Government approved the note ‘Transition priority lifelong learning and a dynamic work career’. This note reflects on the transitions that are needed to function well in the labour market and society anno 2050. Technology has an important impact on the labour market and society and creates chances and opportunities in the domain of jobs, qualifications and 21st century skills. Some jobs will disappear, other jobs will be created. The needed skills and competences are expected to change rapidly. Digital and complementary skills (handling information, solving problems, …) will become more important. Furthermore, trends such as individualisation, flexibilisation and platformisation will redefine careers and labour market relations. This requires reflection about jobs and labour market relations, the division between the private and professional sphere and social risks (such as the quick obsolescence of qualifications). Guaranteeing sustainable jobs for all individuals remains a challenge.
Even though competencies will not last that long, gaining knowledge remains the key to innovation. And just as with jobs, the way we learn will change. Dual learning or learning in the workplace is on the rise. This is possible both during the studies themselves - students who work and study - and in adult life. There will also be more forms of learning, such as flexible learning paths, open online courses and informal learning in leisure time. We go to learning in dialogue and cooperation with the wider society in general and with industry and the labour market in particular. The pupil has more say and the teacher evolves towards a coaching role. Finally, attention will be paid to equal educational opportunities.