3.11 Current debates and reforms
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Forthcoming policy developments
There are no forthcoming policy developments.
Ongoing debates
There is currently a discussion in Luxembourg about a possible reduction in working hours with full pay. A study from the UK has shown that a reduction in working hours with full pay not only increases life satisfaction but also worker productivity. Especially among young workers, life-work balance is a major concern.
The Luxembourg government wants to upgrade apprenticeships in the crafts and care sectors by allowing apprentices to graduate with a bachelor's or master's degree. This measure is intended to make the professions more popular among students. However, since the school-leaving qualifications for apprenticeships and a university degree are different, this issue is still being strongly debated.
Start-ups are to be supported even more in Luxembourg. Not only financially, but also logistically. In addition, networking is to be made possible for businesses. In this way, Luxembourg should remain a stable location for start-ups.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has also been an intensified discussion in Luxembourg on the introduction of a legal basis for homeworking. Many (young) employees would like more opportunities to work at home, also to improve their work-life balance. The situation of cross-border commuters is being discussed in particular: they would save the sometimes long commuting times with telework, but would then have to be taxed and socially insured in their country of origin due to European regulations.