7.7 Making health facilities more youth friendly
The Policy Paper on Welfare, Public Health and Family (Beleidsnota Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin) and the Flemish Youth and Children’s Rights Policy Plan 2014-2019 mentions that children and young people feel good about themselves, are not afraid to say otherwise and know who can help them with questions.
In this connection, each municipality in Flanders must have better management to help find children, young people and adults their way to information on mental health and to help break taboos of mental well-being.
Some actions target minors (0-17 years) and others focus on young adults (17-30 years). The following processes and projects will be undertaken in the policy period 2014-2019:
- the organisation of the ‘wide entry’ (brede instap) accessible for young people with a request for help, apart from characteristics of problems
- the extension of ‘children’s centres’ (Huizen van het Kind) that will regroup all child-related health services and cooperate closely with general practitioners.
- parenting support for parents in vulnerable situations
- increasing the access of social services with community-oriented networks
- realising a wide, accessible and integrated welcome (network) within welfare work
The monitoring and evaluation of these actions is done by the Flemish Government. Each structural subsidised youth associations responsible for these actions must submit an annual progress report. The Flemish Government defines detailed rules.