3.11 Current debates and reforms
It is expected that several open calls will be published in the new prgramming period of 2021-2027 for project proposals aimed at enhancement of youth employment, such as programmes to facilitate transition from school to the labour market, second-chance schools, etc. (MLSAF)
In 2021 and 2022, the national project 'Reconciliation of family and work life ' shall continue in order to facilitate reconciliation of working and private life of mothers/fathers. (MLSAF)
The on-going discussions on formal creation of the National enterprise centre (NPC) resulted in its opening in 2017, which should focus on the development of an incubator programme for young entrepreneurs and on the creation of regional branches.
The national project 'Bud aktivny' (Be Active) is planned for 2021, which shall include 30 hours of individual consultations for a young job seekers (younger than 29) and financial contributions awarded to those active young people, finding themselves a job.