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EACEA National Policies Platform


8. Creativity and Culture

8.9 Enhancing social inclusion through culture

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Fostering equality and young people involvement through cultural activities
  2. Combating discrimination and poverty through cultural activities

Fostering equality and young people involvement through cultural activities

According to the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for protection of children with distinguished talents (Наредба за условията и реда за осъществяване на закрила на деца с изявени дарби) (effective from 01.01.2004, last amendment – 31 March 2020), the protection of children with distinguished talents is aimed at:

1. encouraging creative talents and needs of children;

2. ensuring opportunities and conditions for admission in sports schools and art schools;

3. financial support and incentives in the form of scholarships and specialized education programs.

Protection under this Ordinance is provided by:

1. the Minister of Culture, Minister of Education and Science, Minister of Youth and Sports;

2. mayors of municipalities;

3. the chairperson of the Child Protection State Agency (Държавна агенция за закрила на детето) and the administration supporting them for the performance of their functions;

4. Social Aid directorates at the Social Aid Agency (Агенция за социално подпомагане).


The National Culture Fund (Национален фонд „Култура“) funds projects under program Socially Engaged Arts (програма „Социално ангажирани изкуства“). The program is aimed at projects in all fields of art and culture addressing social problems and causes and applying creative approaches when dealing with disadvantaged communities and groups.

By funding various projects, the program is aimed at:

    • encouraging the work with disadvantaged groups and unrepresented social groups in creative processes;
    • developing marginalised groups and communities through arts;
    • implementing social design projects;
    • generating energy and willingness for positive change through art that affects and addresses social topics of public importance;
    • establishing prerequisites for positive change in the public attitudes and engagement in various social cases;  
    • attracting attention and resources to socially important topics;
    • involving socially unrepresented groups and disadvantaged groups in creative processes for creation of cultural product/ event.

The program is annual and budget of the program is BGN 120 000 (about EUR 60 000) per year. The allowed grant per project is in the amount of BGN 15 000 (about EUR 7 500) inclusive.


Combating discrimination and poverty through cultural activities

In accordance with an Agreement for Cooperation (Споразумение за сътрудничество) signed between the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education and Science in 2018, the two ministries implement measures and activities involving the institutions of pre-school and school education and the national, regional and municipal museums and art galleries in the country. They cooperate as follows:

  1. The institutions in the pre-school and school education organise visits of children and students to national, regional and municipal museums and art galleries in the country as part of their general education and in the form of out-of-school activities;
  2. National, regional and municipal museums and art galleries develop and propose to the pre-school and school education institutions museum educational programs and initiatives for each class or group relevant to their pre-school and school education.
  3. The organised visits to national, regional and municipal museums and galleries, as well as the out-of-class activities from early pre-school age are aimed at developing attitudes to culture and general and at obtaining better knowledge and interests in the field of cultural heritage and visual arts, and will be carried out on the basis of the proposed programs and initiatives.

Museums education programs and initiatives are directed to children and students with special educational needs and children and students whose mother language is other than Bulgarian.

The activities and projects implemented under this Agreement for Cooperation are funded by the budgets of the two institutions.