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EACEA National Policies Platform


8. Creativity and Culture

8.9 Enhancing social inclusion through culture

Last update: 29 October 2024
On this page
  1. Fostering equality and young people involvement through cultural activities
  2. Combating discrimination and poverty through cultural activities

Fostering equality and young people involvement through cultural activities

There has not been any major initiatives from the government the last years to foster young people's involvement through cultural activities.


Combating discrimination and poverty through cultural activities

Promoting reading skills in areas with socio-economic challenges

The government presented a proposal for a three-year investment in the public libraries' work to promote reading in the budget bill for 2024. The proposal contained, among other things, an investment of SEK 40 million (about 3,5 million euro) annually in 2024-2026 for strengthening the public libraries' work in promoting reading. Efforts targeting children and young people must be given special priority.

This initiative includes More reading for young people, a grant aimed for promoting reading for young people (13–25 years) in areas with socio-economic challenges. The Swedish Arts Council (Kulturrådet) has been tasked by the government to distribute the grant.

Taking place

Taking place (Äga rum) is a government initiative, in order to encourage cultural activities in residential areas with socio­economic challenges or low voter turnout. Responsibility for this government investment is shared by the Public Art Agency Sweden (Statens konstråd) and the Swedish Arts Council (Kulturrådet). The project will be based on the needs and desires of local residents and be characterised by participation by representatives from a wide range of organisations.

The Swedish Arts Council (Kulturrådet) allocated SEK 100 million (about 8.7 million euros) over the period 2016–2018 to projects across Sweden that carry out cultural activities based on the needs of local residents and in collaboration with local stakeholders. Those who live in the area should be included as project participants, cultural practitioners and audiences. The goal is to enable more people to choose, create and enjoy culture where they live. The programme is targeting all local residents, and is not youth specific.


Creative Schools

The cooperation programme between the Swedish Arts Council and the Swedish National Age for Education (Skolverket), Creative Schools (Skapande skola) (see section 8.8, Synergies and partnerships) is on-going since 2008.