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10. Youth work

10.5 Youth workers

Last update: 28 March 2024
On this page
  1. Status in national legislation
  2. Education, training and skills recognition
  3. Mobility of youth workers

Status in national legislation

Although no legal framework exists for the profession of youth work, professionals working with young people have to fulfil basic requirements with regard to educational degrees/diplomas (educators with a secondary education diploma or university grade). The requirements are defined by the 1999 grand-ducal regulation. Article 17 of this law calls for certain educational qualifications. Applicants must hold a Luxembourgish or equivalent foreign degree as a (among others) lawyer, psychologist, pedagogue, sociologist, curative educator, occupational therapist, social worker, social hygiene assistant, or teacher. Volunteers also have to fulfil specific qualification requirements (certificate for assistant facilitators ('brevet aide animateur') or its equivalent).

The professional background of youth workers ranges from educators with a secondary education diploma (with specialisation in education or health; university graduates with a bachelor's or master's degree e.g. in the field of educational/social science or psychology). The bachelor's degree in educational and social sciences ('Bachelor en sciences sociales et éducatives') offered by the University of Luxembourg is an important bachelor programme for students who desire to work with young people.

Education, training and skills recognition

The leave for youth workers (congé jeunesse) is a programme that supports the development of voluntary activities in young people. The leave for youth workers was introduced by the 2007 law on the creation of an individual training leave and entitles young people to time off from work so that they can participate in voluntary activities within the country and abroad: internships, study days or seminars, holiday camps or clubs, etc. The modalities are regulated by the grand-ducal regulation of 11 November 2008 defining the application modalities of the youth workers' leave (règlement grand-ducal du 11 novembre 2008 déterminant les modalités d'application du congé-jeunesse).

With this programme, teachers, trainers, non-formal education workers and youth workers are offered the opportunity to receive training and certification related to the further development of their social and civic competences. The National Youth Service is the main provider of training opportunities in the field of non-formal education (see: Pedagogical offers). The Training Institute of National Education (IFEN; Institut de formation de l'Éducation nationale) provides training courses for elementary and secondary school teachers in civic education. Furthermore, there are trainings offered in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. 

Mobility of youth workers

The Ministry of Education, Children and Youth offers a range of training courses for staff working in the non-formal education sector (e.g., mini-nurseries, youth centres, youth services). The annual education programme is coordinated by the National Youth Service and organised in partnership with six professional agencies. The courses taken as part of this programme are free of charge. The main objective of these courses is the professional development of the participants. Furthermore, the Ministry organises annual workshop series with the aim of providing a platform for the exchange and networking of youth workers.