4.8 Current debates and reforms
- In the 2015-2016 Parliamentary year, the minister of welfare introduced a parliamentary resolution on matters regarding incoming refugees for the years 2016-2019. Although this parliamentary resolution does not specifically address youth work on social inclusion it encompasses both issues, i.e. youth and social inclusion.
The resolution emphasizes five main pillars:
a. Society: Icelandic society is to be a family-friendly society where all individuals receive the same opportunities, safety and enjoy fundamental rights.
b. Family: Icelandic society shall respect the needs of different family patterns. Furthermore, it shall create the best possible conditions for all families, particularly families with children. This should be accomplished without discrimination for nationality or origin.
c. Education: Immigrants/refugees will enjoy the same opportunities and status for education. Particular focus will be put on the affairs of immigrants regarding education and the goal of reducing school-leaving rates amongst immigrants will be addressed.
d. Labour market: A diverse background of the workforce will lead to the better and more competitive labour market, both in the public and private sector.
e. Refugees: Icelandic society shall assist and provide protection for those in need with respect to the fundamental change happening globally and their effect on Icelandic society.
- In May of 2018, a new government agency commenced operations under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The agency, named Care Quality Inspectorate for Social Services and Child Protection, will initially be tasked with administrative duties and monitoring of the various social services provided by local authorities and public bodies, such as services for children, families, disabled persons, seniors and immigrants. The objective of establishing a special agency for these projects is to "strengthen the organisation of comprehensive services by the state and local authorities, making a clear distinction between administration and supervision, on the one hand, and provision of services, on the other."