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8. Creativity and Culture

8.7 Fostering the creative use of new technologies

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. New technologies in support of creativity and innovation
  2. Facilitating access to culture through new technologies

New technologies in support of creativity and innovation

There is no special top-level policy on using new technologies to support creativity and innovation. However, the National Curriculum Guides for both compulsory and upper-secondary schools suggest that skills using new technologies should be addressed within schools. Top-level authorities, furthermore, shape the legal framework surrounding the role and responsibilities of Innovation Centre Iceland, who has full autonomy of how they proceed with fulfilling that role. The centre supports many innovation and creative undertaking, as well as offering advice on European support services. These projects may include the enhancement of new technologies, but are certainly not limited to that spectrum.


Facilitating access to culture through new technologies

No document was found which suggests that there are policies or programs which promote access to culture through new technologies.