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9. Youth and the World

9.2 Administration and governance

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Governance
  2. Cross-sectorial cooperation


The affairs of young people are a collective responsibility of many ministries. There is no clear distinction when it comes to young people affecting policymaking on a global scale. This means, furthermore, that policy-making in this field is a collective responsibility as well. However, according to the Youth Act No. 70/2007, the Minister of Education, Science, and Culture is the main factor when it comes to policy-making in the youth field. Local authorities are free to establish their own youth council but are not obliged to do so. If such a council is established, the local authority in question is responsible for regulating it. Local authorities are not required by law to support youth councils on a national level.


Cross-sectorial cooperation

No documents were found which describe cross-sectorial cooperation in the field of global impact among youth.