7.7 Making health facilities more youth friendly
Establishment of youth health guidance centres
Some municipalities and regions already have youth health guidance centres (ungdomsmodtagelse) that offer counselling regarding sexual health and psychosocial well-being among young people in the 12-25 age group. The project funds the establishment of youth health guidance centres. The purpose is to collate experiences from across the country.
The project funds two health guidance centres and a final evaluation.
The project is funded with DKK 9 million for the 2022-2024 period.
Hospitalised young people with cancer
The Danish government has continuously emphasised the need to strengthen efforts to combat cancer through four national cancer plans.
To meet the challenges in the Danish cancer field, a fourth national action plan was developed and adopted in 2016. The fourth national action plan is aimed at the patients and adopts a patient-centred approach. The list of initiatives includes improved prevention of and screening for HPV-related cancer, innovative solutions for patient-centred care, optimisation of patient pathways, better tools for joint decision-making, and strengthening of rehabilitation and palliative care. Increased resources are granted with the purpose of increasing capacities in hospitals, including imaging and radiotherapy, and for supporting research and evidence-based medicine.
One initiative is targeting children and young people with cancer. The initiative supports the expansion of offers for hospitalised young people between the ages of 15 and 29 with cancer, and thus contributes to ensuring a good framework for the young people when they are admitted to hospital.
In the status report on the implementation of the action plan, it is described that the regions have used the funds for continuing the operation and refurbishment of common rooms and conservation centres for young people with cancer. Furthermore, the funds have also been used for adolescents and networking evenings, home treatment with intravenous portable pumps, hiring of youth ambassadors and youth coordinators, and setting up a late-follower ambulatory for the young patients with a focus on the late effects that this patient group experience.
See also section 7.5 on mental health for more information about measures targeting youth specifically.