7. Health and Well-Being
7.7 Making health facilities more youth friendly
Last update: 5 March 2024
Goal 14 of the Austrian Child and Youth Health Strategy (Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitsstrategie) aims to make health facilities more child and youth-friendly.
Main measures
- Child-appropriate design of in-patient care by setting up child areas, guaranteeing child care by certified staff with paediatric competence and by guaranteeing regular paediatric conciliar visits in non-paediatric hospital wards
- Expansion and improvement of the infrastructure for accompanying persons
- Restructure of bed use in a hospital by pushing paediatric day-clinical structures in particular for chronic sick persons and planned medical interventions
- Strive for the participation of children in the hospital: children shall be involved in decisions regarding them according to their stage of development
There is no description of the financial support for this specific aim.