7.7 Making health facilities more youth friendly
In order to facilitate everyone's access to health services and to increase efficiency in the provision of health services, the Centralized Physician Appointment System (MHRS) was established, which enables people to make medical appointments with the hospitals and physicians of their choice by calling 182 on the phone, on the website, or through the telephone application. Thus, everyone, including young people, can receive health services without waiting in line.
With the e-Nabız Personal Health Record System, all health records of all citizens are gathered on a single platform. Everyone can access all personal health information easily, quickly and reliably, regardless of time and place, via the internet or phone application.
The Reproductive Health Program (Üreme Sağlığı Programı) conducted between 2003 and 2007 in the context of the partnership between the European Commission and the Ministry of Health was aimed at considerably improving the availability, accessibility and quality of basic sexual health and reproductive health services so as to improve the level of sexual and reproductive health of the population. This program facilitated the access of young people to reproductive health services. Accordingly, 16 youth counseling and health service centers have been established across Turkey.