7.5 Mental health
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National strategy(ies)
The 12th Development Plan covering the years 2024-2028 sets the following target for mental health:
- 753.2. The quality and quantity of community mental health centers will be increased.
In the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Health for 2024-2028, the following goals and targets have been set for mental health:
- Objective 1 - Target 1.3 Raising awareness on mental health and protecting individuals from mental health risks
- Objective 3 - Target 3.3 To strengthen health services for individuals with mental special needs and rare diseases
In the context of the Law on Disabled People (Engelliler Hakkında Kanun), dated July 1, 2015 and numbered 5378, protected workplaces technically and financially supported by the State and decorated in a special way are foreseen to be established in order to provide occupational rehabilitation to individuals with mental or psychological disabilities, and to create employment opportunities for these people who can hardly be integrated to the labor market. In the context of the same law, organizing habilitation and rehabilitation activities for people with mental disabilities, together with individuals with other types of disabilities, is also foreseen. In addition, in the article titled “Early and Protective Services” of the same Law, it is stated that “Ministry of Health shall be in charge of planning and conducting the works related to the monitoring of physical, audial, social, pyschological and mental development of all children including the ones in neonatal phase, early childhood phase and other phases of childhood; ensuring early diagnosis of genetic diseases and diseases that may cause disability; preventing disabilities; minimizing the severity of existing disabilities to the extent possible and ensuring that they do not progress.”
In the National Action Plan on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2023-2025, activities have been identified to ensure that health institutions and services, including mental health centers, meet the differentiated needs of persons with disabilities. The Action Plan also envisages the development of measures to facilitate the transition of individuals with mental and psycho-emotional disabilities employed in sheltered workplaces to the open labor market.
Based on the National Psychological Health Policy issued by the Ministry of Health in 2006, a National Action Plan on Psychological Health (Ulusal Ruh Sağlığı Eylem Planı) covering the period between 2011-2023 has been drafted with a view to establishing a service network allowing the provision of psychological services, which are focused on the needs of individuals, in an adequate manner and through an appropriate method. Drafted in line with this goal, the Plan aims to adopt a patient oriented approach in the treatment and care of people with psychological diseases, and to integrate the service model of community-based psychology in Turkey.
The National Mental Health Action Plan has been revised and the National Action Plan on Psychological Health 2021-2023 has been published. In this plan, aims, objectives, and indicators covering the years 2021-2023 have been determined by making necessary updates in the field of mental health in line with changing needs and international examples.
In 2006, the Ministry of Health issued a document namely “National Psychological Health Policy” based on the seven psychological health policy modules proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the contemporary requirements in this field. The basic recommendations outlined in the policy document are as follows:
- Adopting a community-based psychological health system, and its integration to the general health system and primary health services,
- Conducting community-based rehabilitation works,
- Increasing the funds allocated to the field of psychological health,
- Increasing the quality of psychological health services,
- Enacting the laws related to the field of psychological health,
- Advocating patient rights against profiling,
- Increasing the training and research activities as well as labor force in the field of psychological health.
Improving the mental health of young people
The Free Transportation of Students with Disabilities was covering only the groups with mental disabilities and autistic individuals in he academic year of 2004-2005. Then, the scope of the program was expanded in the academic year of 2005-2006 to cover all types of disabilities (sight, hearing, orthopedic, autistic, mental, and special education classes).
"Multidisciplinary Child and Youth Mental Health Centers" which aim to meet the treatment needs of children and youth with special needs in one place, started to be opened in 2023. In 2023, the first center was opened in Trabzon Kanuni Training and Research Hospital, and preparations are underway to open centers in other provinces.
Furthermore, in the context of improving the mental and spiritual health of young people, with the implementation of the Mental Health Action Plan of Turkey, mental health services were developed on a community-based basis, reaching 130,330 patients with 188 Community Mental Health Centers in 80 provinces in 2023.
Since 2018, the General Directorate of Public Health has accelerated inter-institutional cooperation efforts to ensure that young people are supported in all these dimensions in order to strengthen their mental health and increase their psychological resilience. In this context, cooperation meetings, workshops with the participation of young people, visits to institutions and simultaneous cooperation activities in 81 provinces are carried out. Thanks to inter-institutional cooperation, much richer content and information was provided for young people, those working with young people and their families.
As of 2022, with the transition from pandemic conditions to normal life, a new study was initiated for university students. As a result of meetings with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, a special study was launched for university students staying in dormitories in 81 provinces. Work has started in dormitories across the country to support students, especially those newly enrolled in university and dormitories, in their adaptation to a new life, to protect them from risks and to inform them about the institutions and services they may need.
In addition, a "Psychosocial Support Guide for University Youth" was prepared and made available to young people.