1.2 National youth law
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Existence of a National Youth Law
Currently there is no national youth law in Sweden. There are pieces of legislation which address the needs and rights of young people. Relevant legislation includes:
- Act concerning support and service for persons with certain functional impairments (Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade, LSS)
- Aliens act (Utlänningslagen)
- Care of young people’s act (Lag med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga)
- Education act (Skollagen)
- Higher education act (Högskolelag)
- Parents code (Föräldrabalken)
- Social services act (Socialtjänstlagen)
Convention on the Rights of the Child
The Parliament decided in 2010 that all legislation concerning children and youth up to 18 years of age is to be formulated in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. In 2017, the Swedish Government decided to submit a proposal to the Council on Legislation to incorporate the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) into Swedish law. The law entered into force on January 1, 2020.
Scope and contents
Not applicable, as Sweden currently does not have a specific youth law.
Not applicable.