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Bosnia and Herzegovina

2. Voluntary Activities

2.9 Skills recognition

Last update: 28 November 2023

There is no coordinated national initiative or a framework for recognising competences gained through volunteering, but there are certain regulations:

  • The Youth Pass gained after the European Voluntary Service (EVS), centrally organised through Erasmus+ programme; all the accredited hosting organisations are required to issue a Youth Pass to an EVS volunteer;
  • Regarding the recognition of young people skills gained by voluntary work, in the RS, the Law on Higher Education gives the possibility of obtaining of credits under the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) through volunteering in the community, if the respective activity is carried out according to the Law on Volunteering;
  • The Laws on Volunteering in RS and FBiH also defines the “Volunteer ID” – a document that keeps track of volunteer activities and skills gained. In both RS and FBiH there are established rules on issuing those voluntary IDs.