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2. Voluntary Activities

2.9 Skills recognition

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Policy Framework
  2. Existing arrangements

Policy Framework

There is no information available on this subject.

Existing arrangements

Even though there does not exist a framewrok regulating the recognition of the skills acquired, within GönüllüyüzBİZ Platform monitoring of volunteers and voluntary organisations is ensured. Within GönüllüyüzBİZ Platform, volunteers are evaluated by a set of criteria concerning their voluntary performances and  a report card of voluntary organisation is created on the basis of the evaluations made by volunteers engaging in the voluntary activity. In this manner, a monitoring system functions for volunteers and voluntary organisations on the basis of their previous performances.

In addition, Youthpass certificate is issued to the volunteers who complete their activities in the volunteering projects carried out by the National Agency.