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EACEA National Policies Platform


2. Voluntary Activities

Last update: 19 December 2024


In Italy volunteering is a widespread phenomenon with a long tradition. The national legal system recognises the social value and function of volunteering as an expression of participation, solidarity and pluralism.

The provisions of the Third Title of the Third Sector Code (Legislative Decree 117/17) also apply to youth volunteering. The article of the code on the promotion of the culture of volunteering invites public administrations, within the limits of available resources, to support volunteering among young people, also through specific initiatives to be carried out in the premises of schools and universities, and with the involvement of volunteering organisations and other entities of the Third Sector.

At national level, the main tool for promoting youth volunteering is the Universal Civic Service, regulated by Legislative Decree 40/2017 and established as an instrument of the unarmed and non-violent defence of homeland. It is accessible to young people between the ages of 18 and 28 and it is managed by the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civic Service of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.