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EACEA National Policies Platform


8. Creativity and Culture

8.8 Synergies and partnerships

Last update: 19 March 2024

Synergies between public policies and programs

Over the years, various synergies and partnerships have been created between different bodies and between different sectors in the field of culture.

  • Unified Conference of the State, Regions, Local Autonomies.
    Among the various synergies, it is worth mentioning the activity of the Unified Conference of the State, Regions and local autonomy system. This liaison body is entrusted with the task of adopting the agreements through which it is possible to distribute the endowment of the Fund for youth policies (Understanding n. 12/CU). The fund, established pursuant to Article 19, paragraph 2, of Law Decree 4 July 2006, n. 223 has the aim of promoting the right of young people to cultural and professional training.
  • “Libriamoci” program
    The partnerships and synergies include the one started in 2019 between the former MiBACT Centre for Books and Reading and the General Directorate for Students of the Ministry of Education and Merit. The aim is to promote the “Libriamoci” program, which consists of the creation of days focused on reading in primary and secondary schools. The initiative involves students but also writers, journalists, actors, members of cultural associations, librarians and ordinary citizens, who are responsible for reading in schools. “Libriamoci” every year records several partnerships and collaborations that help to spread the program throughout Italy.
  • National Digital School Plan
    The pursuit of the strategic objective outlined in the plan (See 8.7) is to ensure the transit of the Italian school towards the digital age and it was made possible through the synergy between different sources of funding.

Partnerships between the culture and creative sectors, youth organisations and youth workers

The activity of promoting partnerships between the interested parties of the cultural sector and youth organizations and youth workers is mainly carried out by Local Authorities, due to their greater proximity to the territory and the greater ease of conceiving and implementing connection activities. among the various private actors of cultural promotion in the youth field.

At a national level, the Italian Youth Agency  (as part of its institutional management activity of European programs and with particular reference to the “Erasmus +: Youth” program, promotes the creation of Strategic Partnerships in the Youth sector (Key Action 2 - KA2) aimed at creating synergies to promote innovative practices for quality youth work, together with the modernization of institutions and social innovation. Among the objectives of the partnerships, there is cooperation for the recognition and certification at a national level of skills resulting from non-formal education, with a reference to European and national qualifications frameworks and using EU validation tools.

Public-private partnerships

Webtrotter IX Edition - 2021/2022 The Webtrotter project focuses on the intelligent search for data and information on the net, taking up – in today's extraordinary technological context – the classic "scholastic research", which has always been a fundamental moment of training, whether in the humanities or in the scientific field.
The goal is to stimulate training in the appropriate use of new digital tools, the potential of which is not adequately exploited without a systematic, critical and aware approach on the user's side.
The objective is of a cultural nature but it also has a playful character; Webrotter isa challenge on absolutely non-trivial questions, aimed at arousing curiosity and interest in children, prompting them to discover tools and information resources available through any computer connected to the internet. A competition is therefore proposed allowing the first 10 schools to be awarded.