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5. Participation

5.10 Current debates and reforms

Last update: 15 March 2024

On the basis of Law 92/2019, starting from the school year 2020/2021, in schools of all levels of the national education system the transversal teaching of civic education was introduced. To prepare adequately and effectively the introduction of civic education in school courses, as provided for by art. 3 of Law 92/2019, on the basis of a consultation activity of stakeholders, the Guidelines for the transversal teaching of civic education in schools of the first and second cycle of education have been prepared.

Based on the Guidelines, the educational institutions draw up specific educational projects for the provision of a transversal teaching plan of at least 33 hours per year, to be carried out within the mandatory time frame. Educational projects must meet the objective of developing students’ knowledge of the Italian Constitution and the institutions of the European Union in order to increase, in particular, the sharing and promotion of the principles of legality and solidarity, active and digital citizenship, as well as issues related to sustainable development, environmental education, knowledge and protection of heritage and territory.

In 2020, a consultation process was initiated between the then Minister for Youth Policies and Sport (supported by the Department for Youth Policies) and the National Youth Council (CNG) aimed at increasing the participation of the CNG in the definition of policies that have an impact on young people and the related formal consultation mechanism (Cf. 5.4). In order to follow up the proposals made by the CNG, reference has been made to existing legislation in other European countries with a view to adapting existing good practices to the Italian reality. The Department of Youth Policy and Universal Civil Service relies on the bilateral support of selected Member States and the scientific advice of an academic expert in youth policy.

An important debate to highlight is the one concerning the protests of young people in connection with the general attitude towards them during the pandemic and beyond, with issues connected to climate change, mental health and education. Particular attention deserves the youth movement of “Fridays for Future”, for climate action, very active in Italy, but also those connected with job security and educational measures, like the protests towards the “Alternanza Scuola Lavoro”, especially following the tragic death of an 18 year old student which initiated a large series of initiatives that voiced the youth protests also in relation with the decision to suspend free psychological support or the general complain about the management of online education during the pandemic.

The next big stage to assess the health of italian youth participation in public life will surely be the upcoming election of the EU Parliament, set for May 2024.