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EACEA National Policies Platform


2. Voluntary Activities

2.8 Raising awareness about youth volunteering opportunities

Last update: 27 June 2024

Information providers 

The Department of Youth Policy and the Universal Civic Service provides information on volunteering opportunities for young people through its website and through the Giovani2030 platform, which are the main contact points that young people can access to receive information on volunteering and other opportunities.

In Italy, there are also some publicly funded centres and agencies that support networks of volunteering organisations, assist with young volunteers’ placement and promote volunteering opportunities. In particular:

  • The Volunteering Service Centres (Cf. 2.2) supports Third sector organisations in promoting volunteering at local level. They carry out promotional activities in schools also through the “volunteer passport” (passaporto del volontario), a tool that certifies the skills acquired by students during volunteering activities;
  • The Youth Information Centres (Centri InformaGiovani) provide information and guidance on training, volunteering, leisure, sport and job opportunities;
  • Eurodesk Italia is the official network of the Erasmus+|Youth programme and the European Solidarity Corps that provides information on programmes and initiatives promoted by European institutions in favour of young people. Supported by the European Commission DG EAC and the Italian Youth Agency, it aims at facilitating young people’s access to the opportunities offered by European programmes in various fields, in particular: international mobility, culture, formal and non-formal training, work, volunteering.

Key initiatives

All news related to the Universal Civic Service opportunities are published on the website of the Department of Youth Policy and the Universal Civic Service and on the Giovani2030 platform. Moreover, the Department of Youth Policy and the Universal Civic Service advertises volunteering opportunities also on social media, in particular on its Facebook and Instagram profiles.