ANCI (Associazione Nazionale dei Comuni Italiani).
The National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) is a non-profit association. Its fundamental objective is to represent and protect the interests of the Municipalities before Parliament, Government, Regions, public administration bodies, European bodies, Committee of the Regions and any other Institution that exercises public functions of local interest. ANCI Youth (ANCI Giovane). It is part of the National Association of Italian Municipalities and gathers local administrators’ under-35 years of age.
Associazione temporanea di scopo (ATS).
The Temporary Non-Profit Association (ATS) is an agreement according to which Third sector entities give one of them a mandate of representation towards a lender for the realization of a project of common interest.
Autonomia locale.
In the Italian legal system, the term “local autonomy” is used to refer to territorial entities other than the Regions. Local autonomies include: Municipalities, Provinces and metropolitan cities, as well as mountain communities, island communities, unions of municipalities.
Comunità montane.
The mountain community is a public body, set up among mountain municipalities, belonging to different provinces. The aim is the enhancement of mountain areas.
Conferenza Stato-Regioni e autonomie locali.
The Permanent Conference between the State, the Regions and the autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano (also called the State-Regions Conference) is a collegial body aimed at promoting institutional collaboration between the State and local autonomies.
Conferenza unificata / Conferenza Stato Regioni e autonomie locali.
The Unified Conference is an Italian legal institution. It participates in decision-making processes involving matters falling within the competence of the state and the regions, in order to foster cooperation between state activity and the autonomy system, examining the subjects and tasks of common interest, also carrying out consultative functions.
In the Italian legal system, a decree-law is a provisional regulatory act having the force of law, adopted in extraordinary cases of necessity and urgency by the Government, pursuant to art. 77 and 72 of the Constitution.
Decreto legislativo.
A legislative decree is a legislative act having the force of law adopted by the executive power (Government) by express and formal delegation of legislative power (Parliament).
Indicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente (ISEE).
ISEE is the tool, introduced by art. 1 of Legislative Decree 109/98, that measures and certify the economic condition of those who intend to request social benefits.
Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR).
National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri.
The Presidency of the Council of Ministers is the administrative structure which supports the Prime Minister of Italy (referred to in Italian as the President of the Council of Ministers). Thus, it is the Italian equivalent of the Prime Minister's Office. It contains those Departments which carry out duties invested in the office of the Prime Minister. Duties invested in the Italian executive government generally are not administered by the Presidency, but by the individual ministries.
The Province, in Italy, is a local territorial entity of vast area whose territory is smaller in extension than that of the Region to which it belongs, and is larger than that of the Municipalities that are included in its constituency.
Reddito di Cittadinanza.
"The Citizens' Income" is a new measure inteded to combat poverty, inequality and social exclusion. It is associated with training, and social reintegration measures. It became operational in March 2019.
Unione Provincie Italiane (UPI).
The Union of the Provinces of Italy is an association that groups the Provinces with the exception of the autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento and Valle d'Aosta (autonomous Region without Provinces). UPI's task is to coordinate the action of the provinces, to represent their needs and positions vis-à-vis the central administration.