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8. Creativity and Culture

8.9 Enhancing social inclusion through culture

Last update: 19 March 2024

Promote equality and involvement of young people through cultural activities

The Department of Sport has ordered the activation of a third line of intervention for the creation of parks and paths equipped for recreational and social inclusion purposes in the disadvantaged areas of the country, allocating 20 million euros exclusively to the southern areas for the supply and distribution of sports equipment and the application of new technologies for free sports practice.

Ministerial initiatives

PNRR 4.0 Culture M1C3 – Investment 1.2 “Removal of physical and cognitive barriers in museums, libraries and archives. The investment aims to reduce the barriers, inequalities and gaps that limit citizens' participation in cultural life and cultural heritage. Architectural, physical, cognitive and sensorial-perceptive barriers are critical for Italian cultural sites. The proposed interventions have the following objectives:

  • increase and diversify the cultural offer aimed at a wider range of users through innovative visits to Italian cultural heritage sites and improve the quality of services;
  • guide cultural operators in the development of "Accessibility Plans";
  • design and implement interventions for the removal of the aforementioned barriers in Italian cultural sites;
  • train Administration staff and Italian cultural heritage professionals, promoting the culture of "Access to all" and hospitality, focusing on legal aspects, reception, cultural mediation.

Bando Fermenti. The already mentioned call “FERMENTI”  is important for the purposes of social inclusion. “Equality for all genders” is one of the five priority social challenges identified by the Department for Youth Policies and the Universal Civil Service of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Funding was allocated to carry out youth entrepreneurship initiatives of a social nature, personally by the protagonists, in order to improve the living conditions not only of young people but of the whole community.

National activities of non-ministerial actors

Activities of the National Coordination of New Italian Generations (CoNNGI)The National Coordination of New Italian Generations (CoNNGI) aims to valorise the inclusion in Italy of young people of different origins who grew up or were born on Italian territory. Among the various points of the manifesto (Manifest of the New Italian Generations 2019), there is the desire to:

  • value and promote the preservation of the culture of the countries of their origin and to strengthen the link with Italian culture; 
  • promote sport as a tool for integration, inclusion and socialization; 
  • to convey an authentic representation of society at the media level and become the protagonists of their own narrative. 

To achieve the objectives set, CoNNGI creates situations and opportunities for sharing the culture of origin in places of culture that are generally frequented by young people and in events dedicated to the sharing cultural heritage.

B.E.S.T. – Buone pratiche, scambi di Esperienze e Training per l’intercultura: It’s the program created in collaboration with the CoNNGI, led by the cooperative Dedalus, which aims to develop and promote the social empowerment of young people with a migratory background, their participation in the public debate on political issues that concern them and the possibility of expressing their needs, with proposals to satisfy them. This is possible through the creation of a network of which third sector subjects operating in Italy and Europe should be part; the goal is to promote the protagonism of the young targets of the project and the development of intercultural skills for educators and professional operators who work with young people with a migratory background. The project aims at the valorisation of innovative aggregative and expressive practices that valorise the cultural diversity of Italian youth: methodologies based on theoretical considerations, laboratory activities, visits/exchanges organized on the national territory are included for the development.

OLTRE – Oltre l’orizzonte – Contro-narrazioni dai margini al centro: this is the CoNNGI project that aims at listening to younger generations and allowing them to express themselves on particularly urgent issues, such as identity, inclusion, welcome and participation. The project consists of various types of activities which include social communication laboratories in seven Italian cities. The aim of the workshops is to tell about themselves through creative practices such as photography, audio-visual and writing, sharing their history, needs and desires through the languages ​​and methods of social communication.