1.9 Current debates and reforms
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Forthcoming policy developments
At the national level, various drafts framework law on youth have been under discussion for the past few years. The Update of the Economic and Finance Document 2023 (Nadef), which outlines the baseline scenario under existing legislation and the public finance targets for the 2024-2026, envisages a new law on youth and the Universal Civic Service (“Disposizioni in materia di giovani e servizio civile universale e deleghe al Governo per il riordino della materia”), which should be drafted in 2024.
Ongoing debates
The new law on youth and the Universal Civic Service which should be drafted in 2024 should encompass topics such as youth checks and youth work. Moreover, a Technical Table has been set up to share youth-related actions and initiatives to be implemented in the territories, as well as the results of those already implemented. Moreover, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces have asked the Government to define a multi-year planning of at least three years, to give continuity to the actions undertaken by the territories.