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Last update: 18 March 2024

Legislation and official policy documents 

Youth Policy Governance 

(AII) Adriatic Ionian Initiative the Adriatic Ionian Initiative established in May 2000 through the "Ancona Declaration".

Basilicata RegionRegional law 11/2000, concerning the recognition and promotion of the role of the young generations in society. 

Bolzano Autonomous ProvinceProvincial law 13/1983, relating to the creation of a bureau for youth services. 

Campania RegionRegional law 26/2016, relating to the establishment of youth Policies and youth Forums in Campania. 

Decree-Law 223/2006, art. 19, paragraph 2, which established the National Fund for Youth Policies. 

Emilia Romagna RegionRegional law 14/2008, related to Youth policies. 

Friuli Venezia Giulia RegionRegional law 5/2012, related to youth autonomy and the Guarantee Fund for youth opportunities. 

Italian Constitution

Law 241/1990 that regulate horizontal cross-sectoral cooperation among public bodies.

Law 451/1997 that established National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence.

Law Decree 13/2023 that established Italian Youth Agency.

Lazio RegionRegional Law 14/2021 - Promotion and coordination of youth policies, which emends the Regional law 20/2007 “Promotion of tools for the institutional participation of young generations in political and administrative life”.

Liguria RegionRegional law 6/2009, related to the promotion of children and youth policies. 

Lombardia Region: Regional Law 4/2022 La Lombardia è dei giovani” Regulation of regional youth policies.

Marche RegionRegional law 24/2011, on youth policies

National Action and Intervention Plan (Piano d'Azione Nazionale) for the protection of the rights of children / young people from 0 to 18 years drawn up by the National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence. 

National Youth Card

Piemonte RegionRegional law 6/2019, regarding new legislation on youth policies. 

PNRRUnification Conference, Agreement signed between Government, Regions, Autonomous Provinces and Local Authorities. 

Sardegna RegionRegional law 11/1999, relating to initiatives and coordination of activities for youth. 

Sicilia RegionRegional law 6/2019, relating to youth policies, the establishment of a Regional Youth Forum and a Regional Observatory on Youth Policies. 

Trento Autonomous Province: Provincial laws 5/2007 relating to the development, coordination and promotion of youth policies; the provincial civic service. 

Trento Autonomous Province: Provincial laws 7/2009, relating to the Provincial Youth Council (In 2018, Provincial law 8/2008 modified some provisions of the previous legislation on youth).

Umbria RegionRegional law 1/2016, "Norms on youth policies.

Valle d’Aosta RegionRegional Law 12/2013, “Promotion and coordination of policies in favour of young people”.

Veneto Region: Regional law 17/2008, relating to the promotion of youth leadership and participation in social life.


Voluntary Activities 

Digital” civic serviceits goal is to increase the digital skills of Italian citizens. Anyone who decides to carry out this alternative form of service for the country is called digital facilitator and is involved in projects to improve digital capabilities and encourage the use of digital public services.

“Environmental” civic servicepromotes specific projects aimed at preparing young people to face the challenges of the green revolution and the ecological transition.

Charter of representation (2008): CSV-Net- National association of voluntary service centers.

European Solidarity Corps: The European program aimed at young people

Law 147/13 (2014 Stability Law). Provision of a pilot measure for the contingent of the Civil Peace Corps intended for the training and testing of young volunteers to be engaged in non- governmental peace actions in areas of conflict or at risk of conflict or in areas of environmental emergency both abroad and in Italy. 

Law 64/2001 (introduce The National Civic Service) 

Legislative Decree 13/13. General rules of the services for the identification and validation of the validity of non-formal and informal learning and the minimum service standards of the national system of certification of skills. 

Legislative decree 40/2017, the law that transforms "national" civil service into "universal" civil service. 

The programming document of the Universal Civic Service for the years 2023-2025.

Third Sector Code: (Legislative Decree 117/17) is the law that applies to youth volunteering.

Volunteer Charter of Values (2001): CSV-Net- National association of voluntary service centers 

Volunteering Service Centres

Youth Information Centres (Centri InformaGiovani) that provide information and guidance on training, volunteering, leisure, sport and job opportunities.


Employment & Entrepreneurship 

Agreement 86/2017, agreement between the Government, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on the document entitled "Guidelines on the subject of training and orientation", pursuant to article 1, paragraphs 34 to 36 of the law June 28, 2012. 

Annual plan for setting targets to reduce the average duration of unemployment, service times, the share of intermediation between job supply and demand (January 29, 2019). 

Article 68 of Law 114/1999: the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies annually allocates €279,109,570.46, distributed between the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, to the Social Fund to support employment and training as well as promote the cultural growth and professional activities of young people through the obligation to attend training activities up to the age of eighteen.

Beyond New Enterprises at Zero Rate: the incentive promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development which supports micro and small enterprises made up mostly or totally of young people between 18 and 35 years old or of women of all ages. 

Budget Law 2022: introduced measures to combat abuses in extra-curricular internships

Capital goods - Nuova Sabatini: financing program aimed at facilitating access to credit for companies and increasing the competitiveness of the country's production system.

Citizenship Income (RdC): It is a minimum income scheme introduced by the Decree Law of 28 January 2019, n. 4 to combat poverty and exclusion 

Consolidated Law on Immigration

Cross-border and National Professional Mobility section: encourages the mobility of young workers who want to gain work experience in other EU countries or in other Italian regions providing them with a voucher that covers travel and accommodation costs for 6 months.

Delegated Law 183/14 (the reform of the Jobs Act).

Dual system:  learning based on the alternation of training moments "in classrooms" (in a training institution) with moments of practical training in "working contexts" (in companies / organisation)

Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) Strand

Entrecomp(The European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework)

Equality for work and life project: aims to create a new model of intervention and a kit of tools that facilitate equal opportunities and access to the labour market.

Erasmus for young entrepreneursaims to support European citizens in acquiring the skills to start and manage a small business.

European Globalization Adjustment Fund (EGF)is a special EU instrument to express EU solidarity with European workers or the self-employed that were displaced due to restructuring, and to help them find new jobs.

European Pillar of Social Rights

European Social Fund Plus (ESF+): is the European Union’s main instrument for investing in people

European Youth Guarantee program: is an outcome-focused approach. It is about ensuring that young people can realize their potential and play the active role in our societies that they are capable of

Eurostat – Total Unemployment

Excelsior Information System. Managed by Unioncamere and ANPAL. Source of information on the labor market, included among the official surveys with response obligations foreseen by the National Statistical Program (SISTAN). 

Explanatory Budget Note for the year 2021 

Extra-curricular Internship Measure

Flow Decree” annually establishes the entry quotas of foreign people for work-related reasons, based on the needs of the production system.

Garanzia per i giovani Plan  

GOL (Garanzia dell’Occupabilità dei lavoratori - Workers Occupability Guarantee)

Industry Plan 4.0: pushing for digital transformation through tax credit for companies for paying research and developments, auxiliary goods and trainings.

Interministerial decree concerning the definition of an operational framework for the recognition at national level of regional qualifications, 30 June 2015. 

Interministerial Decree of 13 February 2013 transposing the State - Regions Agreement 252/2012 on referencing the Italian qualification system to EQF. 

Italian Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan,

Labour Information System (SIUL): is made up of national and regional coordination nodes, as well as a single portal for registration to the national network of services for employment policies

Law 107/15 - Reform of the national education and training system and delegation for the reorganization of current legislative provisions. 

Law 4/2013, provisions concerning unorganized professions.

Law 92/2012 provisions on labor market reform in a growth perspective, with reference to art. 4 paragraph 58 (to paragraphs from 51 to 61 and from 64 to 68, relating to lifelong learning). 

Legislative Decree 13/2013, definition of general rules and essential levels of services for the identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning and the minimum service standards of the national system of certification of competences, pursuant to Article 4, paragraphs 58 and 68, of the law of 28 June 2012, n. ninety two. 

Legislative Decree 150/2015. Law establishing the National Agency for Active Work Policies (ANPAL), to coordinate the network of services for the unemployed. 

Legislative Decree 167/2011 the national law of the apprenticeship, with reference to Article 6. 

Legislative Decree 81/2015, organic regulation of employment contracts and revision of the legislation on duties, pursuant to article 1, paragraph 7, of the law of 10 December 2014, n. 183, with reference to Chapter V Apprenticeship. 

MicroLab Association

Ministerial Decree 30 June 2015, definition of an operational framework for the recognition at the national level of regional qualifications and related competences, within the national Directory of education and training titles and professional qualifications referred to in Article 8 of the Legislative Decree 16 January 2013, n. 13. 

Ministerial Decree June 28 2019. Adoption of the extraordinary plan to strengthen employment centers and active employment policies. 

Ministerial Decree of 8 January 2018, establishment of the National Qualifications Framework issued within the framework of the National System for the certification of competences pursuant to Legislative Decree 16 January 2013, No. 13. 

MIUR decree 03.10.2017, n. 742 - Att. B

MIUR decree no. 4244 of 13.03.2018

National Contact Point of the European Euroguidance Network: provides information and training activities on transnational mobility throughout the country for operators in the education, training and work systems.

National Employment Centre Strengthening Plan,

National Forum of Female and Youth Entrepreneurship,

National Industry 4.0 Plan.

National Innovation Fund is a multi-fund that operates through venture capital strategies and makes direct and indirect investments in capital of start-ups, scaleups and SMEs

National Labour Inspectorate (INL)

National Statistical Program.

National Strategy for Sustainable Development (SNSvS)

New National Competences Plan.

New zero-interest enterprises" measure: has the objective of supporting, throughout the national territory, the creation and development of micro and small enterprises with predominantly or total participation by young people or women

Nuova Marcora - birth and development of small and medium-sized cooperatives, aimed at promoting the creation and development of different types of cooperatives including those managing confiscated criminal assets.

Paths for Transversal Competences and Orientation” (PCTO)is a teaching methodology that has been integrated into the education system with the aim of enriching higher secondary school curricula with skills that can be used in the labour market

Profession Occupation and Needs: system which gives detailed information on the job content of all the existing professions in the labour market at a national level and the related updating needs of knowledge and competences.

Project "YES I Start Up". Initiative under the Youth Guarantee program. It is a path to train young people in self-employment through courses that transmit the skills necessary to build their business idea. 

Promotion of an entrepreneurship education course in State and Equality II degree schools in Italy and abroad, Ministry of Education - Ministry of University and Research (2018) (Promozione di un percorso di Educazione all'imprenditorialità nelle scuole di II grado Statali e Paritariein Italia e all'estero). 

Resident population registry (Legislative Decree 30/2007).

Resto al Sud: an economic incentive that supports new entrepreneurial activities developed by individuals under the age of 46 in the southern regions.

SELFIEmployment project: a zero-interest loan for young people aged between 18 and 29, enrolled in Youth Guarantee, who do not study, do not work, or do not attend professional training courses.

Smart Start Italy is aimed at innovative start-ups that have been established for no more than 60 months or in the launching phase and guarantees beneficiaries a subsidised loan and a tutoring service.

Social Fund for employment and trainingwas established by art. 18, paragraph 1, letter a) of Decree Law 29 November 2008, n.185, converted, with amendments, into the Law n.2, 28 January 2009.

State-Regions Conference Agreement, 24 September 2015. Introduction of the dual system inthe school network. 

Sustainable investments 4.0

The Growth Decree (Legislative Decree April 30, 2019, No. 34 converted into law with amendments by Law June 28, 2019, No. 58). 

Transition 4.0 plan: dedicated to Space Economy and to the touristic industry

Youth Recruitment Bonus: to support the permanent employment of young people under 35.


Social Inclusion

2018-20 National Social Plan (Piano sociale nazionale 2018-20): constitutes the act of national planning of the resources relating to the National Fund for social policies and identifies, within the limits of these resources, the development of the interventions and services necessary for the progressive definition of the essential levels of social benefits to be guaranteed throughout the territory national.

Action and Cohesion Plan (PAC)was approved at the end of 2011 to overcome delays in the use of the resources of the European structural funds allocated for the period 2007-2013 in Italy, with the aim of accelerating the implementation of spending programs and, at the same time, strengthening the effectiveness of the interventions

Action Plan for Poverty and Social Services 2021-2023is an integral part of the so-called poverty strategy. The inclusion objectives are then met by the National Youth Policy Fund, as well as resources from the Youth Employment Initiative and the Youth Guarantee programme

Agreement EX ART. 15 Law 7 august 1990, n 241

Art. 21 of the Lgs. D. 147/2017 ReI),

Birth allowances, bonuses, vouchers and other economic interventions for families

Bonn DeclarationThe Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC) adopted at the fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in Bonn sets concrete targets and guidelines for the entire lifecycle of chemicals. In addition to this framework, the conference also adopted the Bonn Declaration, in which ministers and delegation leaders committed to the implementation of the GFC.

Culture Bonus: The Bonus consists of an electronic card worth 500 euros awarded to all young people residing in Italy or holding a residence permit at the age of 18.

D.M. 936/2016: Minimum dimensional and qualitative standards and guidelines relating to the technical and economic parameters concerning the construction of accommodation and residences for university students

D.M. 937/2016: Second Plan of type A1, B and C interventions for accommodation and residences for university students

D.M. of 7 April 2011Performance measurement and evaluation system of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies.

Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 21.11.2019: Adoption of the National Plan for non-self-sufficiency and distribution of the Fund for non-self-sufficiency for the three-year period 2019-2021.

decree-law 30 April 2019 , No. 34 "Urgent measures of economic growth and for the resolution of specific crisis situations"


DM 11 dicembre 1997, n. 507Regulation containing rules for the establishment of entrance tickets to monuments, museums, galleries, antiquities excavations, parks and monumental state gardens.

Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE).

European Social Fund Plus

FAMI PROGRAM (Fondo Asilo Migrazioni e Integrazione)

FEAD (Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived

First Home Mortgage Guarantee Fund (Fondo di Garanzia Mutui Prima Casa). It provides for the granting of first demand guarantees on mortgages for the purchase with restructuring interventions (last accessed 17/02/2020). 

Inclusion Allowance (Assegno di Inclusione), starting January 1st 2024 and described as a form of tailored economic support and social and professional inclusion.

Institutionalisation Prevention Intervention Programme (PIPPI): was founded in 2010 and aims to innovate intervention practices against so-called "negligent" families seeking to reduce the risk of ill-treatment and the consequent removal of children and adolescents from the household. 

Large household allowances 

Law 33/2017 "Mandate containing rules concerning the contrast to poverty, the reorganization of services and the system of interventions and social services" (Delega recante norme relative al contrasto della povertà, al riordino delle prestazioni e al sistema degli interventi e dei servizi sociali). 

Law 34 of 19 May 2020: established the Emergency Income (REM)

Law 68/99 "Rules for the Right to Work of people with disabilities"

Law December 30, 2018State budget forecast for the 2019 financial year and multi-year budget for the three-year period 2019-2021

Law No. 18 of 17 March 2020) for certain categories.

law.26 of 28 March 2019,: established Citizenship Income

Legislative Decree 15 September 2017, n. 147 "Provisions for the introduction of a national measure to contrast poverty" (Disposizioni per l’introduzione di una misura nazionale di contrasto alla povertà).

Memorandum of Understanding signed by AIGA and MIUR identifies common objectives regarding the safeguarding and dissemination of children's and young people's rights in relation to study, well-being and play

Mission 5 of the PNRR: This mission has a very important role, transversal to the whole PNRR, supporting female empowerment and combating gender discrimination, increasing the employment opportunities for young people, fostering territorial rebalancing and the development of the South and of the internal areas, with an investment of 6.66 billion over 5 years.

National maternity allowances The service allows you to submit the application to receive the State Maternity Allowance for parents, adopters or foster parents (not pre-adoptive) in the case of non-recognizability or non-recognition by both parents

National Non-Self-Reliance Plan

National Social Plan 2021-2023: (Piano sociale nazionale 2021-23)

National Social Policy Fund.

National Strategy for equality, inclusion and participation of Roma and Sinti (2021-2030)

Performance Plan.

Plan against Educational Povertyan action plan to intervene effectively and systemically in combating educational failure.

Plan for interventions and social services to contrast poverty (Piano per gli interventi e i servizi sociali di contrasto alla povertà). 

POC for Inclusion, approved at national level in June 2021 and which will bring together the resources deriving from the reduction in the national co-financing rates of European programmes.

Poverty Fund: was established by the 2016 Stability Law originally with a structural allocation of 1 billion euros per year, aimed at implementing the National Plan to fight poverty and financing the measure to combat poverty called SIA - Support for inclusion active, then replaced by the REI - Inclusion income.

Prevention and contrast to youth hardship

programme agreement on Sport and Integration 

REACT-EU (Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe) initiative, whose resources flow into the current FEAD and PON for Inclusion programming, for an amount of 190 and 90 million euros respectively. Finally, an investment of 450 million is planned within the PNRR to finance 250 housing-first projects and 250 service centers to combat poverty.

Recommendation CM/Rec (2017) of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on Youth Work

Rent bonus for Youth:  state contribution for the under 31s who live in rented accommodation, distributed in the form of a discount on taxes. People can use it directly in their tax return, even if they live in a shared accomodation with other tenants.

School canteens bonus

Social Protection and Inclusion Network 

Special Need education guidelines,

Sports and Integration Manifesto

Stage4eu program

Superbonus 110%: the tax relief governed by Article 119 of Law Decree no. 34/2020 (Relaunch decree), which consists of a 110% deduction of the expenses incurred starting from 1 July 2020 for the implementation of specific interventions aimed at improving energy efficiency and static consolidation or the reduction of the seismic risk of buildings.

The National Social Plan of the 2018-2020 three-year period (National Social Plan of the 2018- 2020 three-year period). Attached to the decree of 26 November 2018 for the division of the National Social Policy Fund (FNPS) (last accessed 17/02/2020). 

Unitary Information System of Social Services (SIUSS)

VISPI Project in Sardinia, dedicated to girls and boys aged 14 to 19, to bring sociality back to the center of the lives of Sardinian teenagers. The initiative is characterized by a voucher provided by the Sardinia Region in collaboration with CONI and spendable in local gyms

Your first EURES job promotes professional mobility of young workers in the EU.

Youth Employment Initiative (Pon IOG) program



1 paragraph 7 of Law 107/15

CM/Rec (2017) 4. Committee of Ministers of the European Council. Recommendations to member states about youth work (socio-educational animation) (last accessed 17/02/2020). 

Consultation Table of Youth 

CU-14/2019. Agreement of 13 February 2019 in the Unified Conference for the distribution of the National Fund for youth policies on the themes of promoting inclusive participation in the social and political way, also in order to allow young people to participate in the decision-making process and to be able to target policies aimed at a target audience (last accessed 17/02/2020). 

D.G 257/2016memorandum of understanding for the establishment of youth table of the Giovanisi' Project

Decree 80 of the President of the Republic, 28 March 2013)

Decree of the President of the Republic 10 October 1996, n. 567. Regulation containing the discipline of complementary initiatives and supplementary activities in educational institutions. The law provides for the Provincial Student Council (Provincial Student Council, CPS) as an institutional body of student representation on a provincial basis (last accessed 17/02/2020). portal, (National Youth Council). It allows the involvement of young people at all levels of the EU dialogue process with young people through online consultation

Guidelines for the transversal teaching of civic education in schools of the first and second cycle of education

Law 14/1989: Establishment of the Youth Policy Service and the regional youth forum

Law 145/2018State budget forecast for the 2019 financial year and multi-year budget for the three-year period 2019-2021

Law 150/2000: Regulation of information and communication activities of public administrations.

 Law 169/08: containing urgent provisions on education and universities

Law 2/1997Amendment to the Regional Law 12 April 1995, n. 46 "Promotion and coordination of intervention policies in favor of young people and adolescents".

Law 26/2016: Building the future. New policies for young people"

Law 285/97: "Provisions for the promotion of rights and opportunities for children and adolescence" 

Legislative Decree 297/94 which defines the roles of student representation at school level (last accessed 17/02/2020). 

Legislative Decree 40/2017: Establishment and regulation of universal civil service, pursuant to Article 8 of Law No. 106 of June 6, 2016.(17G00053)

Provincial Law 5/2007: Development, coordination and promotion of youth policies, regulation of provincial universal civil service and amendments

Provincial Law 7/2009: Establishment of the provincial youth council

Regional Law 1/2016: Norms in the field of youth policy - Further additions to R.L. 16/02/2010, No. 14 (Discipline of institutions of participation in the functions of regional institutions (Legislative initiative and referendum, right of petition and consultation).

Regional Law 11/2000: Recognition and promotion of the role of the younger generation in regional society.

Regional Law 12/2007: Promotion of youth representation, coordination and support of youth initiatives.

Regional Law 12/2013: Promotion and coordination of youth policies. Repeal of Regional Law No. 8 of March 21, 1997 (Promotion of social, educational and cultural initiatives in favor of young people).

Regional Law 14/2000: Promotion and encouragement of Informagiovani services and establishment of the territorial network of facilities.

Regional Law 14/2008: Norms on policies for young generations' - Allocation of contributions in investment expenditure to public beneficiaries following the notice issued by DGR No. 1177/2014. - Year 2014.

Regional Law 14/2021: Provisions related to the regional stability law 2021 and amendments to regional laws.

Regional Law 17/2008: Promotion of youth leadership and participation in social life.

Regional Law 19/2002: Amendments and additions to R.L. Dec. 19, 2001, No. 77 - "Provisions on Youth Communities and Establishment of the Regional Youth Council”.

Regional Law 2/2000: Text coordinated with amendments and additions as per R.L. No. 14 of Aug. 28, 2000.

Regional Law 2/2019: New regulations on youth policy.

Regional Law 20/2007: Promotion of the instruments of institutional participation of the younger generation in local political and administrative life.

Regional Law 24/2011: Youth policy standards.

Regional Law 26/2016: Building the future. New policies for young people.

Regional Law 4/2022: Lombardy belongs to the young

Regional Law 5/2012: Youth Empowerment Law and on the Youth Opportunity Guarantee Fund.

Regional Law 6/2009: Promotion of policies for children and youth.

Regional Law 77/2001: Finance Act - Second implementing measure.

Resolution 108/2017National Strategy for Sustainable Development.

The National Digital School Plan (law 107/2015), Ministry of Education, University and Research. Guide document for the launch of a global innovation strategy of the Italian school and for a new positioning of its educational system in the digital age. 

Unified Conference of 11 May 2022 


Education and training

Agreement of 24 January 2013: Agreement between the Government, the Regions and autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, on the document containing "Guidelines on internships".

 Law no. 172 of 2012: ratification and execution of the Council of Europe Convention for the protection of minors against sexual exploitation and abuse, made in Lanzarote on 25 October 2007, as well as provisions for adapting the internal legal system

DL of 11 July 2003, n. 170: Conversion into law, with amendments, of the legislative decree of 9 May 2003, n. 105, containing urgent provisions for universities and research bodies as well as regarding qualification to carry out professional activities

 Decree Law No. 18 of 17 March 2020: Decree for the distribution of funds and fixed-term technical assistants pursuant to article 120, paragraph 5 of the legislative decree of 17 March 2020, n. 18 and emergency measures

note 109799 of 30 December 2022PNRR Mission 4 Education and Research, Operational Instructions

Law 53/2003Delegation to the Government for the definition of general rules on education and the essential levels of relevant performance of vocational education and training.

Law no. 71 of 29 May 2017 'Provisions for the protection of minors for the prevention and contrast of the phenomenon of cyberbullying'

Law 62/2000: Rules for educational equality and provisions on the right to study and education

Law 296/2006: Provisions for the formation of the annual and multi-annual state budget

Law 107/2015Reform of the national education and training system and delegation for the reorganization of current legislative provisions.

Law 92/2012Provisions regarding labor market reform with a growth perspective

Legislative Decree 13/2013Definition of the general rules and essential performance levels for the identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning and the minimum service standards of the national skills certification system, pursuant to article 4, paragraphs 58 and 68, of the law 28 June 2012, n. ninety two

Legislative Decree 77/2005Definition of the general rules relating to school-work alternation, pursuant to article 4 of law 28 March 2003, n. 53

Law decree of the 11th of November 2022, n. 173: Urgent provisions regarding the reorganization of the powers of Ministries.

Ministerial Decree 170 of 24 June 2022: Criteria for allocating resources for actions to prevent and combat school dropout

Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PTCO) 


Health and Well-Being

Guidelines on physical activity. Review of the recommendations for the different age groups and physiological situations and new recommendations for specific diseases”, made by the working group on the promotion of physical activity and health protection, instituted with the decree by the Ministry of Health on 25th of July 2019 with its following edits and integrations. 

2020-2025 Prevention Plan: aims at an integration function between the different levels of government with the activation of technical tables to strengthen health promotion strategies according to the “Health in all policies” approach.

Art. 117 of the Constitution

D.Lgsl. 242/99Reorganization of the Italian National Olympic Committee - CONI, pursuant to article 11 of law 15 March 1997, n. 59

Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) of January 12, 2017 

 Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) of November 29, 2001

DL 138/2002),

Government Program “Gaining in Health. Making healthy choices easy

Guideline Act for the three-year period 2020-2022: which defines public policies in the field of the promotion of sport and the objectives of the Sport and Health Society


Creativity and culture

2016-2019 Teacher Training Plan

DPCM 1 October 2012 and subsequent amendments, on the Organisation of the general structures of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Inter-ministerial decree 14 August 2019, n. 764Accreditation of the subjects of the coordinated system for the promotion of creativity issues in the national education and training system

Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, n. 60 containing “Regulations on the promotion of humanistic culture, on the valorisation of cultural heritage and artefacts and on the support of creativity”

Legislative Decree 185/2000Incentives for self-entrepreneurship and self-employment

Legislative Decree 22 January 2004, n.42 and subsequent amendmentsCode of cultural heritage and landscape

Ministerial Decree 8 July 2015, n. 140: Regulation containing criteria and methods of granting to benefits referred to in chapter 0I of title I of the legislative decree of 21 April 2000, n. 185

Policy act concerning the identification of political priorities to be implemented in the year 2023 and for the three-year period 2023-2025 

Strategic Indications for the didactic use of theatrical activities for the school year 2016/2017strategic indications for the educational use of theater activities


Youth and the World

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), 

National Strategy for Sustainable Development (Snsvs)

National Strategy for the Global Citizenship Education (Strategia Nazionale per l’Educazione alla Cittadinanza Globale – ECG)

New Climate law, for the years 2021 and 2022


Youth Work


European Youth Work AgendaThe European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA) aims to boost youth work. Established as a strategic framework, it intends to strengthen and further develop youth work practice and policies in Europe.

Law 206/2003Provisions for the recognition of the social function carried out by oratories and bodies carrying out similar activities and for the valorisation of their role.

Law 248/2006, art. 19Conversion into law, with amendments,

of the legislative decree of 4 July 2006, n. 223, containing urgent provisions for the economic and social relaunch, for the containment and rationalization of public spending, as well as interventions regarding revenue and the fight against tax evasion

Law 285/1997: Provisions for the promotion of rights and opportunities for children and adolescents

Law 328/2000Framework law for the creation of the integrated system of social interventions and services

Legislative decree 40/2017Establishment and regulation of the universal civil service, pursuant to article 8 of law 6 June 2016, n. 106. 

National guidelines shared with the Regions have given priority to the support of cultural and training activities, youth aggregation, orientation and placement, support to young talents, inclusive participation in public policy decisions, and prevention of new addictions

Youth Work Recommendation CM/REC(2017)4: Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 31 May 2017 at the 1287th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies


Data and statistic 

Youth Policy Governance 

Analysis of Active Policies and methodology development, ANPAL (2018).

Giovani.Stat information system collects data on young people in the 15 to 34 age group.

Statistical analysis on the labor market, social security and social protection


Employment & Entrepreneurship 

2021 -2027 Multiannual Agenda on Labour Integration and Social Inclusion


Social Inclusion 

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: recognizes the close link between human well-being and the health of natural systems and the presence of common challenges that all countries are called upon to face.

EU Youth Strategy 2021-2027Resolution of the Council of the European Union and of the representatives of the governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, on a framework for European cooperation in the youth field

Health Pact for the years 2019-2021 was ratified in which specific active policies for the promotion and protection of health are considered with particular attention to children and adolescents, to people with mental disorders, to support the autonomy of people with disabilities and non self-sufficient people.

National Operational Program "Investments for growth and jobs" (Programma Operativo Nazionale "Investimenti in favore della crescita e dell'occupazione")

Report "Poverty in Italy" 2022, ISTAT. Statistical research on absolute and relative poverty, based on the survey on household consumption expenditure.


Education and training

In the latest data by ISTAT (2021)education levels and employment returns 

INVALSI tests of 2022: The data presented in this Report allows us to acquire a more in-depth vision of the state of learning in our country's schools, also providing evidence and reason for the considerable, often commendable, efforts that our school has generously made to cope with long closures.


Creativity and culture

ISTAT 2022  Italian Statistical Yearbook.


Studies, reports and academic publications 

Employment & Entrepreneurship 

2019 Annual Report on the Performance of the Labor Market in Italy. Published by the National Statistical Institute, 2019 (ISTAT). 

Annual Report 2022. The situation of the country

Annual report on the dynamics of the employee and semi-subordinate labour market, made by Ministry of Labour, Inps, Inail, Istat and Anpal, which, through an interinstitutional agreement, process their respective data in order to produce "Quarterly notes on labour market trends" providing a joint reading of the various sources. 

ANPAL’S first joint annual report on active policies in Italy

Assessment Report on the Youth Guarantee (ANPAL)

Cedefop, (2016) Country report Italy update to the European inventory on validation of non- formal and informal learning. 

Eighth Annual Report - Foreigners in the labor market in Italy (2018). Directorate General for Immigration and Integration Policies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies (last accessed 17/02/2020). 

First Joint Annual Report on Active Labour Policies in Italy: The Report was born from the joint work of ANPAL, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces that make up the Subgroup "Analysis of Active Policies and development of methodologies", established within the Active Labor Policies Committee with Decree of DG Anpal n.428 of 21/21 12/2017

General report INAPP (2022)

Global Social Mobility Index 2020:The analysis is based on a methodology integrating the latest statistics from international organizations and a survey of executives

IV report on the generational gap by the Bruno Visentini Foundation and Luiss University

Joint annual report on active employment policies in Italy, ANPAL (2019) activities of ANPAL, Regions and autonomous Provinces that make up the Labor Policies Committee established by Decree of DG Anpal n. 428 of 21/12/2017.

Labor market data and analysis

PEC Survey (Professions and competences in companies, former Audit on needs)

PLUS (Participation, Labour, Unemployment): Survey, conducted every year and that focuses on specific aspects of the job market, like the entrance of young people in the workforce or rate of female participation.

Report on Citizenship Income INAPP (2022)

Third report ANPAL (2022)

Trainee Manual: practical guide to extracurricular traineeship, INAPP (2014) 


Social Inclusion

Council of Europe's manuals "Bookmarks"

mini-guide "distance learning and student rights" which offers reflections and stimuli starting with the “Manifesto of the school that never stops” of the Ministry of Education and Merit and the UN Convention on the rights of children and adolescents.

outcomes of the IeFPts and IFTSit aims to integrate knowledge on transition to work processes with information relating to other professional training chains, analyzing the employment condition.

XIX Monitoring report of the IeFP Vocational Education and Training and of the Dual System 2019-2020



Review of European and National election results”

 2018 OECD PISA reportthe survey is aimed at the population of fifteen year olds on reading, mathematics and science skills.

The annual report “Digital 2023 – i dati italiani”


Education and training

“School inclusion of students with disabilities 2021-2022”: survey on the school inclusion of students with disabilities (ISTAT)

56th Report on the social situation of the country/22 of CENSIS: the Censis Report interprets the most significant socio-economic phenomena of the country in the crisis phase we are going through.

Eurostat's indicator for monitoring citizens' digital skillsThe objective is to promote an informed debate on the condition of minors in Italy, starting from the educational, cultural and social opportunities offered, and to help the decision maker through the development of original analyzes and insights

Gold database of INDIRE that collects the experiences realized in Italian schools of every kind and level to spread the pedagogical knowledge heritage produced by schools

Monitoring Report and analysis of territorial intervention prototypes (2016).

The FaSI - Fare Scuola Insieme research report analyses databases containing good practices against early school leaving based on prevention, intervention and compensation strategies.

Health and Well-Being

data from the High Institute for Health

HBSC-Italia 2022 sample 

Mental Health Report 2021: The Report represents a national-level analysis of the data collected through the Mental Health Information System (SISM) referring to the year 2021.

Report “Rewrite the future – Where are the teenagers? The voice of unheard students during the crisis”, published by Save the Children

study conducted by the Italian Committee for UNICEF in cooperation with the Educational Science Department of RomaTre University on the psychological wellbeing of families during the first lockdown

Survey by Telefono Azzurro (the blue telephone) and Doxa


Creativity and culture

 “Io sono Cultura” (2022), a research project carried out by Unioncamere and the Fondazione Symbola 

Multipurpose survey on families: aspects of daily life – INDAGINE MULTISCOPO SULLE FAMIGLIE (ISAT):  it is part of an integrated system of social surveys - multipurpose surveys on families - and collects fundamental information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families

We are social: communications company focused on the Internet

Study “Vita da artisti” (carried out in 2017 by the Di Vittorio foundation, with the support of SLC-CGIL) and by the trans-European study (but with a focus on individual countries, including Italy) 2016-2018

Study: “Io sono cultura 2022” of the Centro Studi Doc Foundation.

Youth Work

annual activity report of the Italian Youth Agency

Ammattikrkeakoulu, H., Ord, J., Carletti, M., Cooper, S.W., Dansac, C., Morciano, D., Siurala, L., & Taru, M. (2018). The Impact of Youth Work in Europe : A Study of Five European Countries.

Morciano, D. (2015). Spazi per essere giovani. Una ricerca sulle politiche di youth work tra Italia e Inghilterra.

Morciano, D., Scardigno, A.F., Manuti, A. et al. An evaluation study of youth participation in youth work: a case study in Southern Italy. Educ Res Policy Prac 13, 81–100 (2014).

RAY DIGIResearch project on the role of digitalisation in youth work and non-formal learning in the context of the european youth programmes.

The RAY research Analysis and Monitoring of Erasmus+: Youth in Action 


Official websites 

Youth Policy Governance 

The Department for Youth Policies and the Universal Civic Service.

The Department for anti-drug policies

The Department for cohesion policies for the south
The Department for equal opportunities

The Department for family policies

The Department for information and publishing

The Department for policies in favour of people with disabilities

The Department for Sports.

The Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies

The Italian Youth Agency (AIG)

The Ministry for labour and social policies

The Ministry of Culture

The Ministry of education and merit.

The Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Public Administration 

The Ministry of Universities and Research.

The National Association of the Italian Municipalities (Associazione Nazionale dei Comuni Italiani - ANCI)

the National Center for Documentation and Analysis for children and adolescents

The National Council of Economy and Labour (Consiglio Nazionale dell’Economia e del lavoro CNEL). 

The National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche INAP)

The National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence (Osservatorio Nazionale per l'Infanzia e l'Adolescenza). 

The National Statistics Institute (ISTAT). 

The Union of the Italian Provinces (Unione delle Provincie d’Italia - UPI)

Voluntary Activities 

Association of local information centers for young people

Eurodesk Italia, the official network of the Erasmus + program for information on programs and initiatives promoted by European institutions for young people. 

New ERASMUS + Program, for the period 2021-2027. 

Youth2030 Platform: is the new digital home created for all young people residing in Italy between the ages of 14 and 35, which was created with the aim of providing young people with a single point of access to all the information useful for understanding the present and orient themselves towards their future in the fields of training, volunteering, work, international and cultural initiatives.


Employment & Entrepreneurship 

AdEPP (Associazione degli enti previdenziali privati): is an Italian association of associations and foundations with private legal personality, but de facto public administrations with the function of bodies managing forms of compulsory social security pursuant to Law 509/1994[1] and Law 103/1996[2], commonly called first pillar pension provision according to the corporate pension model.

Albo nazionale degli enti di formazione accreditati dalle Regioni e Province autonomeit brings together the subjects accredited at national and regional level to carry out active labor policy services and measures.

ANGA, National Association of Young Farmers: represents the young agricultural entrepreneurs belonging to Confagricoltura. With its lobbying it contributes to decision-making processes regarding youth policies in agriculture at all levels, national and community. He is a permanent member, in Brussels, of the European Council of Young Farmers - CEJA.

Citizenship income, Reddito di cittadinanza: It aims to improve the match between job supply and demand, increase employment and combat poverty and inequalities.

CNA-young-entrepreneurs, CNA-giovani-imprenditori: has the aim of interpreting, analyzing and proposing solutions to problems related to the world of entrepreneurship from the point of view of young entrepreneurs, both in internal representation towards the top bodies of our organization and in external representation towards institutions and civil society .

INPSis the main social security institution of the Italian public pension system, with which all public or private employees and the majority of self-employed workers who do not have their own independent social security fund must be registered. INPS is subject to the supervision of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies.

Invitaliais the National Development Agency, owned by the Ministry of Economy. It gives impetus to the country's economic growth, focuses on strategic sectors for development and employment, is committed to the relaunch of crisis areas and operates above all in the South.

ItaliaStartup associationis the non-profit and impartial association that represents and unites the Italian innovation chain: startups, scaleups, innovative SMEs, innovation centers, incubators, accelerators, science and technology parks, professional firms, consultancy and corporate companies.

National body for microcredit (Ente nazionale per il microcredito). 

National Qualifications Framework (NQF)defines a series of descriptors for the 8 levels of qualifications, identifying which types of knowledge, skills and autonomy/responsibility are attributable to each level.

National Strategic Plan to Guarantee the competences of the adult population

National Young Farmers Association, Associazione nazionale giovani agricoltori

Progetto Equality for work and life - ANPAL. 

Project "Resto al sud". Economic incentive that supports the creation of new entrepreneurial activities initiated by individuals under the age of 46 in the Southern regions of Italy. 

SELFIEmployment project.

The Confindustria Young Entrepreneurs, Giovani imprenditori di Confindustria

The Integration of migrants portal.

The National Agency for Active Labor Policies (ANPAL).

The National directory of education and training titles and professional qualifications: is the unitary reference framework for the certification of skills at a national level.

The National Labor Inspectorate (INL).

The National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (INAPP).

The National Repertoire of the incentives - ANPAL 

The Stage4eu website and app. Tools designed by ANPAL for university students and graduates who intend to acquire an internship experience in Europe, and to have information on the transnational mobility opportunities offered by the Erasmus + VET program. 

Vocational Education and Training (IeFP)constitutes a statutory offer of the national education system which, together with upper secondary school and apprenticeships, allows the fulfillment of compulsory education and the right-duty to education and training.


Social Inclusion 

Alliance for Children: national network of organisations and associations engaged in different ways in the promotion and protection of the rights of children and young people and their parents

APICE - Agenzia di Promozione Integrata per i Cittadini in Europa.

Credit fund for young people. Established by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF): is a research institute founded by the Bank of Italy in 2008. It produces world-class research, with potential policy impact and offers courses at graduate level.

ESC - European Solidarity Corps: it brings together young people to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to societal challenges. It offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop.

European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYCA): it is an independent organisation composed of national and regional youth information coordinating bodies and networks.

General Directorate for Social Planning and for Combating Poverty of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.

General Directorate of Immigration and Integration Policiesit plans the flows, manages and monitors the entry quotas of foreign workers and takes care of bilateral cooperation with the countries of origin, taking care of the interconnection of information systems regarding the processing of immigration data.

General Directorate of the Third Sector and corporate social responsibility: promotes, develops and supports activities of general interest carried out by third sector bodies, also in collaboration with the Regions and local authorities, with businesses and research bodies.

Implementation of Regional Intervention Plans:

National Coordination of Italian New Generations (CoNNGI)is composed of 40 associations established by young people with a migrant background from all over Italy.

NINFEA - National Informal and Nonformal Education Association,

No Hate Speech Movement Campaign: it is a youth campaign led by the Council of Europe Youth Department seeking to mobilise young people to combat hate speech and promote human rights online

PUOI - Protection United to Objective Integrationit provides for the activation of 4,500 integrated socio-work integration paths aimed at vulnerable migrant citizens regularly present on the national territory, in order to improve their employability and promote their inclusion in the job market.

Roma, Sinti and Caminanti programmeThe objective is to build processes of scholastic and social inclusion of RSC children, adolescents and their families through joint action in the school and living context.

SCU - Universal Civic Service: it is the voluntary choice to dedicate a few months of one's life to the non-armed and non-violent defense service of the homeland, to education, to peace between peoples and to the promotion of the founding values of the Italian Republic, through actions for the communities and for the territory.

Youth for the social 2018, (Giovani per il Sociale 2018): an initiative that promotes social inclusion and personal growth, employability, activation, integration, inclusion and social innovation policies, in less developed regions. 



ANCI Giovani. The national council of young local administrators “under 35” in Italy.

Basilicata Youth Forum

Eurodesk Italy: the official network of the European Erasmus+ program for information on programs and initiatives promoted by European institutions in favor of young people.

Europe = Noi. Educational platform that offers teachers and students of all primary and secondary Italian schools a multimedia and interactive journey to discover European history, values, institutions and programs

Observatory for communication, participation and youth cultures of the University of Salerno,

Provincial Student CouncilRegulation governing complementary initiatives and integrative activities in educational institutions.

Puglia Youth Forum

Regional Youth Forum - Campania.  

The democracy project (CW4D) planned for around 500 students from all regions of Italy. 

The national council of university Studentsinternal regulations of the national student council universities approved with resolution of 29 october 2021

The National Council of University Students (National Council of University Students, CNSU). Advisory body of the Ministry of University and Research, established with the D.P.R. December 2, 1997, n. 491.

The National Youth Council. Established with the law 30 December 2018, n. 145, art. 1 paragraphs 470 to 477), is the advisory body to which the representation of young people in relations with institutions is delegated. 

Umbria Regional Youth Forum


Education and training

Cimea (Information Centre on Mobility and Academic Equivalences) projects are also oriented towards the recognition of qualifications obtained in Italy in other international contexts. In the field of non-formal and informal learning, the

Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI): is the association of recognized Italian state and non-state universities.

Fondazione Con il Sud - Impresa sociale con i bambiniis  a non-profit company established on 15 June 2016 to implement the programs of the Fund to combat child educational poverty, provided for by the Memorandum of Understanding stipulated on 29 April 2016 between the President of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Labor and Social Policies and the President of Acri, the association of banking foundations

Innocenti Institute: it is one of the oldest Italian public institutions dedicated to the welcome of children, their education and protection.

National Association of Young Innovators (ANGI): it is the first national non-profit organization entirely dedicated to the world of innovation in each of its forms

National Council for Higher Education in Art and Music (CNAM), 

National Council of University Students (CNSU): is a consultative body representing students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, specialization and doctoral courses offered in Italian universities.

National University Council (CUN): it is the consultative and proactive body of the Minister of University and Research


Health and Well-Being

CSI (Italian Sports Center)it is a non-profit association, founded on volunteering, which promotes sport as a moment of education, growth, commitment and social aggregation, inspired by the Christian vision of man and history in service to people and the territory.

Department for the Sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers 

The CONI (National Olympic Committee): it is the disciplinary authority, regulation and management of national sporting activities. The Italian National Olympic Committee, a public body responsible for the organization and development of national sport, promotes the maximum diffusion of sporting practice.

ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità): it is the main research, control and technical-scientific consultancy center in the field of public health in Italy, 1800 people including researchers, technicians and administrative staff, work daily with the aim of protecting the health of citizens.

National Institute for Accidents on the Workplace (INAIL)

National Agency for Regional Health Services (AGENAS)

PGS networkthey are a Sports Promotion Body recognized by CONI, a National Social Promotion Association and a National Body with Welfare Purposes

Sport and Health” (Sport e Salute S.p.a.): is the State Society and the Government's operational structure for the promotion of sport and correct lifestyles, also responsible for distributing public contributions to sports organisations.

Creativity and culture

Centro per i Servizi Educativi Network of Centres of Educational Services (SED) (Centre for Educational Services)

General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity 

General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes 

General Directorate for Entertainment 

General Directorate for Libraries and Copyright

General Directorate for Tourism Policies and Planning 

General Drectorate for Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape (DG ABAP) 

Higher Education in Art, Music and Choreutics (AFAM)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI

National Library Service (SBN)

Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori - Italian Society of Authors and Publishers (SIAE) (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers) 


Youth and the World

AIESEC Italy: it is a student association, non-profit, independent, non-partisan, apolitical. a dedicated page on the website of the news information agency ANSA

Futuranetwork.euit is a debate site which, through the presentation of studies, articles, interviews and reports of materials, allows us to explore possible scenarios to decide today which future we want to choose among the many possible ones.

RUS – Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo sostenibile

Youth Work

AGESCIis an educational youth association that aims to contribute, in free time and in extra-curricular activities, to the formation of the person according to the principles and method of scouting, adapted to boys and girls in today's Italian social reality.

ARCI networkis a large cultural and social promotion association that was founded in the 1960s as an organization for the defense and development of people's homes and recreational clubs.

Arciragazzi: it promotes solidarity federalism and the decentralization of powers within the Association; promotes and enhances all identities coming from specific territorial peculiarities, within the framework of effective widespread participation in the construction of national associations.

Corpo Nazionale Giovani Esploratori Italiani - CNCEI: is a secular scout association founded in Italy in 1913 by Carlo Colombo. It’s the oldest Italian scout association. 

The National Service for Youth Pastoral Care 

The Youthpass is the main tool for the recognition of competences developed in youth work projects in Italy

Youth of the Catholic Action (ACR) : is a lay association made up of children, young people and adults. Born from Catholic Action in 1969, to enhance the role of the little ones in the Church, the ACR is a path that aims to introduce children to a personal encounter with Jesus by having a live and concrete experience of the Christian community.

Youth Worker Italia is an informal network of youth workers created during the pandemic emergency