10.8 Current debates and reforms
1. Forthcoming policy developments
Not applicable
2. Ongoing debates
National Coalition for Youth Work
One of the important bottom-up developments in Poland was creation of National Coalition for Youth Work (Krajowa Koalicja na rzecz Pracy z Młodzieżą – KKPM). The initiative came from tree organisations: Europe4Youth , Fundacja EBU, Fundacja Sempre a Frente. At the end of 2024, it is a coalition of more than 20 non-governmental organizations, institutions, legal entities and public administration bodies, which share a common mission to support young people based on the values of partnership, agency and autonomy of young people. The main goal of the Coalition is to incentivize a creation of system of work with young people and regulating youth work through national youth policy at all levels administration. The first meeting of the Coalition took place on 27 of March 2024. The initiative is supported by the Children Ombudsman, Monika Horna-Cieślak, and the Polish Council of Youth Organizations PROM.
The Coalition aims at
- working for legal, formal and social recognition of youth work
- promoting and educating about youth work and right of young people through informational and educational activities;
- improving the support system for youth well being, non-formal education and youth participation in Poland;
- elaborating the solutions allowing local government implementation of youth work according to the European Charter on local youth work;
- development of competences in organisations and among youth workers;
- exchange of information, experiences and good practices in youth work.
In order to integrate the youth work community in December 2024, the Coalition has organized the first Youth Work Convention.