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Youth Wiki


5. Participation

Last update: 16 November 2024

Polish young people’s participation in representative democracy is currently being debated. Young people’s membership of political parties, trade unions and other traditional organisations active on the political scene is low. As is the case in the rest of Europe, the lowest voter turnout for elections is among the 18-24 demographic. It should be noted, however, that this changed in the last elections. 69.9% of young voters (aged 18-29) went out to vote, which was a 23 percentage point increase from the 2019 elections. On the other hand, however, active development of alternative forms of young people’s participation in social life is on the rise. These alternative forms are mainly initiated by non-governmental organisations. The common presence and relatively strong position of student governments do not always guarantee their real influence on the situation in schools. Citizenship education provided in schools needs to be recovered by a new government, however it enjoys extensive support in the form of programmes and projects offered by EU and representatives of the Third Sector. All of the above circumstances give an ambiguous and not easily evaluable picture of active citizenship.