6.7 Skills for innovation
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Innovation in formal education
The Ministry of National Education has established the new core curriculum for 2018/2019. According to the core curriculum and from the perspective of skills for innovation, the education in the primary school has the following objectives:
- fostering the development of competences such as: creativity, innovativeness and entrepreneurship;
- fostering the development of critical and logical thinking, reasoning, giving arguments and drawing conclusions;
- fostering the curiosity, interest and motivation to study;
- fostering comprehensive development of pupils that will allow them to understand the surrounding world.
In this respect the following skills are to be developed at the level of primary school education:
- effective communication in mother tongue and in other modern foreign languages;
- effective use of mathematics in everyday life and mathematical thinking;
- search, classification, critical analysis and use of information from various sources;
- creative problem solving using diverse methods including IT tools and coding;
- team work and social engagement.
According to the core curriculum and from the perspective of skills for innovation, the education in the secondary school has the following objectives:
- using knowledge as the basis for skills and competences;
- development of reason and language-related skills and competences such as: reading comprehension, formulating questions and problems, using criteria, giving arguments, explaining, classifying, drawing conclusions, defining, giving examples etc.;
- combining critical thinking with creative and imagination-related skills.
Since 2016 the Ministry of National Education introduced the pilot project “Pilotaż programowania” aiming at introducing coding at every stage of education, starting from the primary school. The project tested various solutions and methods of code teaching (based among others on the new core curriculum for informatics teaching) and provided broad support for teachers, including professional development opportunities.
Every school in Poland was eligible to take part in the pilot project. In total, the Ministry of National Education received applications from over Polish 2000 schools. Regional Innovation Coordinators (appointed by the Ministry in 2016) recommended 160 schools to take part in the pilot project out of which the selection committee selected 16 (one per region). The Foundation for the Development of the Education System and eTwinning Programme National Office were partners of the pilot project “Pilotaż programowania”.
Fostering innovation through non-formal and informal learning and youth work
There are no specific top-level measures to foster innovation through non-formal and informal learning and youth work.