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EACEA National Policies Platform


10. Youth work

10.8 Current debates and reforms

Last update: 26 March 2024
On this page
  1. Forthcoming policy developments
  2. Ongoing debates


Forthcoming policy developments

Youth Work in Malta is regulated through the Youth Work Profession Act (Chapter 533 of the Laws of Malta.) Article 7 of this law states that a warrant issued under this Act shall continue to have effect provided that the warrant holder shall prove to the satisfaction of the Board that he has carried out such programme or programmes of continuing professional development as may be prescribed: Provided that when a warrant holder fails to prove to the satisfaction of the Board that he has carried out such programme or programmes of continuing professional development, the warrant of the warrant holder shall be considered suspended until such time as he proves to the satisfaction of the Board that he meets the requirements that may be prescribed. The Youth Work Profession Board has initiated a process to set up a CPD system for all Youth Workers registered in Malta.

Ongoing debates

The European Youth Work Conventions gather stakeholders from all over Europe bringing together complementary knowledge, perspectives and experiences on youth work. They also take stock of the developments in youth work in Europe. Malta will be hosting the next European Youth Work Convention in May 2025. The Convention will be prepared and implemented by the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation through Malta's National youth agency - Agenzija Zghazagh and through the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA) on 28-30 May 2025. This convention will take the into account the EU Youth Strategy (Engage, Connect, Empower), the Council of Europe Youth sector strategy 2030, the European Youth Work Agenda and the Council of Europe’s Recommendation CM/Rec (2017)4 on youth work.