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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.4 Youth policy decision-making

Last update: 7 November 2024
On this page
  1. Structure of Decision-making
  2. Main Themes
  3. The National Agency for Youth
  4. Policy monitoring and evaluation

Structure of Decision-making

A debate on official youth representation at central level has been conducted since the onset of the political transformation in Poland (i.e. The Polish Round Table Agreement; 1989).

It is difficult to pinpoint one central level authority responsible for making decisions relating to youth. At present, decisions on the implementation of individual public policies remain a responsibility of government administration (e.g. the Minister of Education is responsible for education, upbringing, the Minister of Science and Higher Education – for science and higher education, the Minister of Sport and Tourism - for physical culture, the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy - for social policy). In 2008 initial declarations regarding the appointment of a Youth Plenipotentiary were submitted to the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland, however, no such plenipotentiary has been appointed yet (Raczek, 2014). It should be noted that the Ministry of Education as well the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has most frequently been indicated as the central authority that supports structures representing youth.

Local government bodies operating at provincial, district and communal levels have all been assigned public tasks; some of which focus on young people. Communal governments are responsible for such matters as healthcare, social services, public education, culture and physical culture (Chmielnicki, 2009). Therefore, communes are responsible for the functioning of nurseries, primary schools, for supporting sports clubs, developing cultural activities, running libraries and supporting families in precarious life situations. Tasks assigned to districts and provinces are supra-communal and do not affect the competence of communes. Such tasks as public education in secondary schools, prevention of unemployment, stimulation of local labour markets and support provided to the disabled are supra-communal public tasks falling within the remit of districts. Provincial governments are responsible for running higher vocational institutions, developing economic activity in regions, maintaining libraries, museums and regional theatres.

The development of Poland’s youth policy is visible at regional level. In all provinces are being created formal structures to support and represent youth:

Under Article 5 (b) of the Local Government Act, local government authorities may appoint a youth council as its advisory body. “Boosting young people’s interest and involvement in public affairs at local level is the most important objective of communal youth councils” (Owczarek, 2013). Moreover, communal youth councils facilitate young people’s participation in the process of making decisions affecting their peers. The establishment of consultation bodies such as commune councils is left to local government authorities. Youth councils have their statutes which describe the way in which they operate and how council members are selected. In 2007, the operation of 224 youth councils was confirmed, most of them were active in Dolnośląskie, Śląskie and Wielkopolskie Provinces.  A report prepared by the Children and Youth Council operating by the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Poland states that in 2017 in 2478 communes a number of 408 youth councils were active, in 2018 – 423, however in 2020 it was 514 youth councils, but in 2022 it was 533 youth councils.

In August 2020 was submitted to the Sejm a draft act to amend the act on municipal of the Local Government Act (article 5b), according to which youth councils would receive funds for their activities (provided by the local government), have a guardian and have the initiative to adopt resolution. In March 2021 was submitted to the Sejm a draft act to amend the act on municipal of the Local Government Act (article 5b)the District Government Act (article 3e) and the Province Government Act (article 10b)In the amendment to the laws adopted in June 2021 was indicated the possibility of creating and operating youth councils in local, district and province governments. Apart from their advisory, consultative and initiative activities, those councils i.a. can issue opinions for the project resolutions concerning youth, monitor implementation of local strategic documents for youth. Until 2021 some district and province governments had established youth councils, but this was not statutorily regulated.

In 2016, the Minister of National Education appointed the Children and Youth Council of the Republic of Poland (Rada Dzieci i Młodzieży Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) operating under the authority of the Minister of Education and Science. The Council is an advisory body. The term of the Council is one year. The Council is composed of 16 members and their substitutes (16) who are appointed by the Minister of Education and Science. Members and their substitutes represent particular provinces. The pupils and students between 13 and 20 years old who fulfill a number of criteria (for example engagement in volunteering activities, active attitued in the local community, good grades) can become members of the Council. The seventh term of Children and Youth Council of the Republic of Poland ends in 30th September 2025).

On 7th October 2019 the first term of The Dialogue Council with the Young Generationhas begun (Rada Dialogu z Młodym Pokoleniem), which is an opinion-making and advisory body of the Chairman of the Public Benefit Committee (Przewodniczący Komitetu ds. Pożytku Publicznego). The Council is composed of minimum 20 representatives of public institutions, youth non-governmental organization, youth councils and The Student Parliament. In the article 41 of the Public Benefit Activities and Voluntary Service Act (Ustawa o działalności pożytku publicznego i o wolontariacie) are defined competence of the Council, which include i.a. expressing opinions on legal acts concerning the young generation, creating a forum for dialogue between various public bodies and non-governmental organization and youth, supporting civil dialogue with children and youth. The term of the Council is two years. The third term of The Dialogue Council with the Young Generationhas begun on October 2023.

In 2020 the Minister of Climate and Environment established the Youth Climate Council (Młodzieżowa Rada Klimatyczna), whose tasks will include „expressing opinions on matters covered by government administration departments climate and energy”. In the second half 2024 will begin the third term of The Youth Climate Council.

On 14th October 2021 the President of the Republic of Poland established the Youth Council (Rada ds. Młodzieży) within the National Development Council (Narodowa Rada Rozwoju). The Council consists of 19 members.

On 2nd June 2022 was inaugurated The Youth Sports Council (Młodzieżowa Rada Sportu) of the Minister of Sport and Tourism. The Youth Sports Council is a subsidiary body of the Minister of Sport and Tourism. The Council's tasks include giving opinions on matters in the field of physical culture. The Council consists of 32 members appointed for a one-year term.

In June 2024 ended the recruitment for the Children and Youth Council of the Ombudsman for Children (Rada Dzieci i Młodzieży przy Rzeczniku Praw Dziecka). The Council consists of 10 experts between the ages of 7 and 18. The Council's goals include a.o. drafting and giving opinions on legislation, organizing the Children and Youth Congress, interacting with public institutions. The Children and Youth Council will be established for the first time in the history of the existence of the Children's Ombudsman.

Bodies dealing with youth matters are present at various levels of administration. The Education and Science (Komisja Edukacji i Nauki), composed of 35 deputies, operates within the Parliament of the Republic of Poland. The Committee deals with matters relating to “preschool, primary school, comprehensive secondary school, vocational, post-graduate and higher education (...), leisure, physical culture and sport for children and youth, care of children and youth (...) scientific cooperation abroad, pupil and student governments (...) fulfilling the aspirations of the young generation and to young people’s social and occupational adaptation”. There is a standing youth subcommittee composed of 9 deputies and working. In addition in The Committee has 4 other subcommittees (among others a standing subcommittee on science and higher education).

29 April 2016 marked the appointment of the Parliamentary Group Supporting Youth Councils Operating within Local Government Units (Parlamentarny Zespół ds. wspierania młodzieżowych rad przy jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego), which aims at providing support and advice to youth councils, integrating communities linked to youth councils and promoting the idea of active citizenship through participation in the work of youth councils. The Group is composed of 30 deputies.

23 January 2020 was established the Parliamentary Group for Mental Health of Children and Youth (Parlamentarny Zespół ds. Zdrowia Psychicznego Dzieci i Młodzieży). The Group is composed of 40 deputies.

The Union of Associations Polish Council of Youth Organizations (Związek Stowarzyszeń Polska Rady Organizacji Młodzieżowych (PROM)) was created in 2011. It gathers 30 member organizations. The Union represents over 250 000 young people. The Union aims to participate in youth policy making, disseminate the idea of youth participation in public life, inform public opinion about the situation of young people in Poland, support the development of Polish youth organisations and of those which bring young people together. Since 22 April 2017  The Union is a full member of the European Youth Forum. The Union is cooperating also with the Parliamentary Group Supporting Youth Councils Operating within Local Government Units (Parlamentarny Zespol ds. wspierania młodzieżowych rad przy jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego). As the Union brings together only selected youth organizations, it is not regarded as an entity which fully represents the entire youth community.

Students’ interests at central level are represented by the Student Parliament of the Republic of Poland (Parlament Studentów Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej), which is appointed on the strength of the Higher Education Act. This Parliament has the right to express opinions and present motions in matters relating to students, and give opinion on student-related normative acts (article 338 of Act on Higher Education and Science of 2018). It also organises training and workshops raising students’ qualifications, supports student projects, inspires international student exchange and participation in the international student movement. The Student Parliament of the Republic of Poland brings together the student governments of all Polish higher education institutions.

Among the advisory groups that work for the Minister of Science and Higher Education is the Young Scientists’ Council (Rada Młodych Naukowców), whose tasks include the identification of barriers to development and supporting young scientists’ careers, initiation of young scientists’ contact with representatives of economic circles, and preparation of opinions and recommendations regarding the science and innovation policy of the country. Due to its specific character, the Council represents the interests of young scientists whose age equals the upper age limit for the youth age group.

2017 witnessed the launch of the National Agency for Academic Exchange (Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej - NAWA) which supports academic exchange and the internationalisation of higher education and science. NAWA disseminates information relating to the Polish education system and promote the Polish language abroad. NAWA will be able to award funds to students, doctoral students and employees of higher education institutions or institutes. NAWA realize Programs for Scientists (Programy dla Naukowców), Programs for Institutions (Programy dla Instytucji), Programs for Students (Programy dla Studentów) and Programs for the Polish Language (Programy Języka Polskiego).

It is also worth paying attention to the bottom-up initiatives undertaken by youth at the local or national level, which focus on goals important to young people. Examples of activities are i.a.: Youth Climate Strike (Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny), Young Parliament of the Republic of Poland (Parlament Młodych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej).

Main Themes

Activities undertaken on behalf of young people by the central government, national authorities and local government authorities are specified in legislation and presented in strategies adopted by the government.

In February 2013 the Council of Ministers adopted the “Long-term National Development Strategy. Poland 2030. The Third Wave of Modernity". (Długookresowa Strategia Rozwoju Kraju. Polska 2030. Trzecia Fala Nowoczesności). This strategy, as part of Strategic Objective 3 [which aims to improve the accessibility and quality of education at all stages and increase the competitiveness of science] raises issues relating to the education of children and young people and to the necessity of adapting the education system to changing social and economic needs in order to facilitate transfer from education to the labour market.

The “Responsible Development Strategy” with a perspective to 2030 (Strategia na rzecz Odpowiedzialnego Rozwoju (z perspektywą do 2030 r.)) (Strategy) published in 2017 by the Ministry of Development updates the “Country Development Strategy 2020” (Strategia Rozwoju Kraju 2020) - a mid-term country development strategy adopted by a resolution of the Council of Ministers on 25 September 2012. The document presents the strategic tasks of the country and contains recommendations for public policies. The Strategy is “the basis for changes to the development management system, as well as to existing strategy papers (strategies, policies, programmes) and for the verification of other implementing instruments”. The main objective of the Strategy consists in “creating conditions for facilitating the rise of income levels of Polish inhabitants while increasing social, economic, environmental and territorial cohesion”, as well as in specific objectives:

  • Specific objective 1: Sustained economic growth increasingly based on knowledge, data and organisational excellence,
  • Specific objective 2: Community-sensitive and territorially-balanced development,
  • Specific objective 3: An effective state and institutions which are dedicated to growth as well as social and economic inclusion.

The directions of regional development have been defined in the “National Strategy of Regional Development 2030” (Krajowa Strategia Rozwoju Regionalnego 2030). The strategy refere to i.a. the development of the social capital of children and adolescents, high quality education (objective 2.1), professional activation of youth, emigration of young people.

Integrated Skills Strategy (ISS) (Zintegrowana Strategia Umiejętności) consists of two parts – “Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (general part)" (adopted in 2019) and "Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (specific part). Policies to develop skills in line with lifelong learning" (adopted in 2020). The overarching objective of the ISS 2030 is to "create the opportunities and conditions for the development of skills necessary to strengthen social capital, social inclusion, economic growth and the achievement of a high quality of life". The indicated objective is implemented with reference to six priority areas:

  • raising the level of key skills in children, youth and adults,
  • developing and disseminating a learning culture focused on active and continuous development of skills,
  • increasing participation of employers in development and better use of skills,
  • building an effective system of diagnosing and informing about the current state and demand for skills,
  • developing effective and sustainable mechanisms for inter-ministerial and intersectoral cooperation and coordination in the field of skills development,
  • equalization of opportunities in access to development and use of skills.

The EU youth strategy indicates seven areas which are reflected in national strategies and programmes directly or indirectly relating to young people. The individual objectives of the EU Youth Strategy and tasks (e.g.: governmental programmes and strategic projects) which are likely to contribute to their implementation are presented below:

The choice of a specific target group is based, among other things, on the results of research and diagnoses presented in a given Strategy, programme or strategic project.

The National Agency for Youth

The National Agency for Youth, which is responsible for youth policy at a central level, does not  operate in Poland. Youth-oriented tasks are carried out by the central government as well as national and local government authorities in accordance with their competences.

Policy monitoring and evaluation

It is difficult to clearly identify the way in which activities relating to youth policy are monitored and evaluated as there are no relevant documents and reports and no state-run centre dealing with youth-related research. A youth act and/or a national youth strategy would probably contribute to setting out the directions of the development of Polish youth policy which would then be systematically evaluated.