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EACEA National Policies Platform


5. Participation

5.6 Supporting youth organisations

Last update: 16 November 2024
On this page
  1. Legal/policy framework for the functioning and development of youth organisations
  2. Public financial support
  3. Initiatives to increase the diversity of participants

Legal/policy framework for the functioning and development of youth organisations

Polish youth organisations are funded on the strength of general principles which are governed by the Public Benefit Activities and Voluntary Service Act (ustawa o działalności pożytku publicznego i o wolontariacie), the Associations Act (Prawo o stowarzyszeniach) and Act of foundations (ustawa o fundacjach).

There is no document equivalent to a law or regulation which, in general terms, would: a) clearly define a youth organisation or an organisation acting for youth b) specify the terms of operation and potential support for such organisations; which differ from those relating to non-government organisations in general. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about a separate support system for youth organisations. 

Public financial support

The sources of funding for youth organisations in Poland are diversified and dispersed. Apart from EU funding for youth programmes, youth organisations can obtain funds for public tasks as part of such initiatives as Youth, Youth in Action or the Erasmus+ programme. Public tasks become contracted when they have been transferred to non-governmental organisations or other entities. Contracted tasks may be transferred to non-governmental organisations, including those for young people, at central level (e.g.; agreements between non-governmental organisations and ministries, government agencies) or at a lower level (e.g.: agreements between non-governmental organisations and communes). Entities mandating youth organisations to perform such tasks must ensure the financing of the task. Some of those organizations are financed through the national budget (for example The Student Parliament of the Republic of Poland (PSRP - Parlament Studentów Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) or The Children and Youth Parliament (Sejm Dzieci i Młodzieży). 

In 2022, the governmental programme of the Youth Fund 2022-2033 was put into action (Fundusz Młodzieżowy), under the auspices of the National Freedom Institute. Its goal is to „increase the public engagement of youth and youth NGOs through supporting youth initiatives, raising their public influence, and strengthening appropriate institutions”. The Fund has three priority areas that can appealed to for financial support. They are: Youth activity in local government (divided into two sub-areas: Creation and reinforcement of youth councils, and Reinforcement of student self-government); Youth organizations in the public area, and Increasing the competences of youth organizations. The Fund has a budget of 230 million PLN (roughly 53.5 million euro) for years 2022 through to 2033.

Initiatives to increase the diversity of participants

The most important objectives of government and local government policies implemented by youth organisations as part of contracted tasks relate to the following areas: education and upbringing (especially issues of participation in social and civic life), youth and children international exchanges, cultural and sports activities, tourism and recreation for children and young people, environmental protection, prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances and behavioural addictions, safety and defence, historical education, sexual education and preparation for family life, equality education, European education, promotion of volunteering and the equalisation of opportunities in the labour market. A significant proportion of tasks delegated by the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy are linked to the equalisation of children’s and youth’s opportunities and are aimed at safeguarding the needs of groups at risk of social exclusion in various forms.

Non-governmental organisations, especially umbrella advocacy and grant-making are a significant source of support for youth organisations. The most important of these are: The Centre for Citizen Education, The Batory Foundation, The Civitas Polonus Foundation, The Polish-German Youth Cooperation, The Polish Children and Youth Foundation, The Orange Foundation, The Foundation for the Development of Local Democracy, The Stocznia Foundation, Norwegian Funds. They take advantage of various forms of foreign governmental assistance or obtain funds from private sponsors. Supporting organisations often focus on helping youth organisations operating locally, in communities where young people have fewer opportunities, and their priority is given to supporting grass-root activity and creativity. Improving youth workers’ competencies is an important type of activity. Education and training programmes are intended for teachers, youth leaders, social workers, local politicians and many other groups. 

Polish legislation offers provisions which are a good starting point for close cooperation and mutual support between student councils and public benefit organisations, including youth organisations. The Prawo Oświatowe (Prawo oświatowe). provides that formal education is supported by non-governmental organisations, including scout organisations, as well as legal entities whose statutory activity falls within the category of education and upbringing. Moreover - in accordance with applicable legislation - heads of schools or educational institutions: “shall, in particular, create in their school or institution conditions to facilitate the activity of: volunteers, associations and other organisations, especially scouting organisations whose statutory aims are to engage in educational activities and to develop and enrich the forms of teaching, pedagogical and care activities of the school or institution.”