5.6 Supporting youth organisations
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Legal/policy framework for the functioning and development of youth organisations
Public financial support
Initiatives to increase the diversity of participants
Legal/policy framework for the functioning and development of youth organisations
In Spain, the Spanish Youth Council (Consejo de la Juventud de España, CJE) has been the public institutional platform in charge of fostering the participation of youth in the political, social, economic and cultural development of the State in a global environment since its creation in 1983. It is also responsible for promoting intergovernmental cooperation and coordination between the Central State and the Autonomous Communities in the promotion of youth associations.
Associationism is a fundamental right, recognized in the Spanish Constitution (Constitución Española) in Article 22 (Artículo 22). It is recognised legally by the Organic Law 1/2002, of 22 March, regulating the Right of Association (Ley Orgánica 1/2002, de 22 de marzo, reguladora del Derecho de Asociación) and the Royal Decree 949/2015 of October 23, which approves the Regulation of the National Registry of Associations (Real Decreto 949/2015, de 23 de octubre). In the specific case of youth associationism, it has also been under the Decree 397/1988, of April 22, regulating the registration of Youth Associations (Real Decreto 397/1988, de 22 de abril, por el que se regula la inscripción registral de Asociaciones juveniles). However, because of the constitutional nature of the Autonomous State and the division of powers, each Autonomous Community can develop its own rules regarding youth associations.
Public financial support
With regard to the programmes, the Youth Strategy 2030 (Estrategia Juventud 2030) brings together in its Strategic Axis 6 on Participation, Volunteering and global transformation, the objective of promoting youth associations and participation, adapted to the digital youth. In the Action Plan 22-24 of the Strategy, the amount budgeted for the promotion of youth associations and participation is 7,835,264€.
The Youth Institute (INJUVE) calls for the granting of subsidies for the maintenance, operation and equipping of youth associations, youth organisations and for those entities that provide services to youth at state level. At sub-state level, the Autonomous regions have their own agencies for youth, while, at local level, the council of youth are the ones in charge of granting public aid for those same objectives.
Initiatives to increase the diversity of participants
The actions carried out by the Spanish Youth Council (Consejo de la Juventud de España, CJE) include offering spaces for reflection, joint work, training, dialogue with public authorities and State institutions, and carrying out the systematisation of the experience of the organised youth movement, opening new channels and channels of action.
In this way, the Spanish Youth Council establishes as a general objective of any youth association the construction of citizenship, linked to the will of change and social transformation that accompanies the associative movement from its beginnings. In recent years it has made great effort to support and assist in the coordination of the activities carried out by a group of associations focused on the struggle to achieve the social inclusion of marginalised groups.