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EACEA National Policies Platform


4. Social Inclusion

4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people

Last update: 14 November 2024
On this page
  1. Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion
  2. Scope and contents
  3. Responsible authority
  4. Revisions/ Updates

Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion

In Poland there is no document fulfilling the criteria of a strategy for the social inclusion of young people. There are more general documents with the status of programmes, in which such activities constitute one of several elements, often in the context of supporting the family, rather than strictly in age categories. The key document is Strategy for the Development of Human Capital 2030 (Strategia Rozwoju Kapitału Ludzkiego 2030).

Scope and contents

The main objective of the Strategy is to grow human capital and social cohesion in Poland. One of the specific goals deals with decreasing poverty and social exclusion, and with increasing access to services in response to demographic challenges. Within this goal, actions are planned that are aimed at laying foundations for ensuring material life conditions for materially deprived persons and for creating a system of social services. This includes the development of institutional and familial care for children up to the age of 3, help with returning to the labour market for parents after maternity/paternity leaves, help with social exclusion prevention, and support for families in crisis. Educational actions are also indicated, especially ones aimed at preparing youth for work and professional activity in adult life.

Responsible authority

The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy is responsible for the enactment of the strategy. The strategy itself, however, has a horizontal character and calls upon various ministries and government bodies for its implementation.


The strategy is an update to previous documents dealing with the development of human capital. It was accepted in 2020 and has not required updating since then.