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EACEA National Policies Platform


4. Social Inclusion

4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people

Last update: 28 November 2023

Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion

To date, no specific national strategy or programme for youth social inclusion has been adopted in Slovenia. The National Programme for Youth in Slovenia (2013) identified key policies and guidelines, including the need to devote special attention to risk factors for poverty and social exclusion among young people. Its other guidelines refer to improving social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, the principle of equal opportunities for men and women and the prevention of discrimination, with particular attention to victims of social exclusion (e.g. Roma people, disabled persons).


Network of social programmes in Slovenia

Network social programmes aimed at preventing and resolving social distress of vulnerable population groups (also providing assistance to children and adolescents) are (see the Resolution on the national social assistance programme 2013-2020 (Resolucija o nacionalnem programu socialnega varstva za obdobje 2013-2020), Chapter C, point 3.2).

Other strategic public documents from the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and other public authorities (e.g. Resolution on the national social assistance programme 2013–2020 (Resolucija o nacionalnem programu socialnega varstva za obdobje 2013–2020), Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Act (Zakon o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov), Resolution on the National Housing Programme 2015–2025 (Resolucija o nacionalnem stanovanjskem programu 2015–2025) also refer to social inclusion among specific disadvantaged groups (e.g. Roma people, excluded communities, disabled people).

The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities has proposed two Acts highlighting measures to facilitate youth social inclusion in 2016. The Amendment on changes and completion of the Social Security Act (Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o socialno varstvenih prejemkih (ZSVar-Pre-E)) that was adopted in 20 December 2016 and The Rules on co-financing social assistance programmes (Pravilnik o sofinanciranju socialnovarstvenih programov) that came into force on 12 November 2016. On 19 April 2018, another Amendment on changes and completion of the Social Security Act (Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o socialno varstvenih prejemkih (ZSVar-Pre-F)) was adopted.


Social inclusion in other sectoral policies

Among three key objectives related directly to the development of the social protection system during the period 2013–2020, the National Social Assistance Programme 2013–2020 emphasises reducing the risk of poverty and increasing social inclusion among socially disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. One of the strategic goals of The Resolution on the National Programme of Sport of the Republic of Slovenia 2014–2023 is to help certain children and adolescents (e.g. children and adolescents with special needs, those who are socially excluded) in terms of social skills and healthy development. The Resolution on the National Programme on Illicit Drugs 2014–2020 promotes specific programmes for social integration of drug users. The term social inclusion also features in other key documents in the fields of education (e.g. the Elementary School Act), health and housing (e.g. the National Housing Programme).



Scope and contents

National Programme for Youth

Section 6 (Youth and society and the significance of the youth sector) of the National Programme for Youth in Slovenia includes a special objective (Increased social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities) addressing poverty and social exclusion. The expected developmental impact is to ensure full social participation of young people with fewer opportunities and to minimise the risk of poverty. Priority subsection 15 in the National Programme for Youth in Slovenia concerns improvement and strengthening of programmes that promote and support social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Other participants include the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and social partners. Funding is/will be provided within the available resources of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia; the priority will remain in place until 2022. Key success indicators include the following:

  • number of calls for proposals related to the social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities;
  • number of calls for proposals on the topic of social inclusion, for which organisations in the youth sector may apply;
  • number of programmes to increase social inclusion within the framework of the measures and active employment policy programmes;
  • number of young people (to age 29) enrolled in programmes for increasing social inclusion within the framework of measures and active employment policy programmes, by gender;
  • number of young people under age 29 who receive monetary compensation, by gender
  • number of young people under age 29 who are receiving cash social assistance, by gender.


Network social programmes aimed at preventing and resolving social distress of vulnerable population groups:

  • Programmes to prevent violence, programmes to help victims of violence and programmes to work with perpetrators of violence: information and counselling programmes and programmes of telephone counselling; program coordination, support and implementation of help and self-help
  • Programmes in the field of addiction, which are intended for users of illicit drugs and persons, who find themselves in social distress due to alcoholism or other addictions (eating disorders, gambling, etc.): harm reduction programmes; accommodation programmes; therapeutic programmes; activation programmes aimed at improving the employment prospects
  • Programmes in the field of mental health: information and counselling programmes with field work; programmes of telephone counselling; advocacy and self-advocacy programmes; activation programmes aimed at improving employment opportunities
  • Programmes for the homeless: accommodation programmes; social integration programmes; activation programmes aimed at improving employment opportunities
  • Programmes for children and adolescents deprived of a suitable family life, and programmes for children and adolescents with problems growing up: prevention programmes; information and counselling programmes and programmes of telephone counselling; programmes of coordination, support and implementation of help and self-help; day care centres for counselling, support and self-help; therapeutic programmes; accommodation programmes (specialized residential groups with a comprehensive and all-day support); transitional group homes for disabled adult adolescents after the expiry of living in a foster family or an institution
  • Programmes of supporting disabled persons and other specialized programmes for organising and promoting the independent living of persons with disabilities: activation programmes aimed at improving employment opportunities; programmes, aimed at maintaining social skills
  • Specialized programmes of psychosocial assistance to children, adults or families aiming at resolving personal problems: prevention programmes; information and counselling programmes; therapeutic programmes
  • Programmes for social integration/inclusion of Roma: prevention programmes; information and counselling programmes; programmes of coordination, support and implementation of help and self-help; counselling with field work; activation programmes aimed at improving employment opportunities.
  • Other programmes which are aimed at eliminating social hardships of the people (applicants for international protection, refugees, economic migrants and their family members, ex-prisoners, people in the process of eviction, support for the dying and their relatives and bereaved, victims of maltreatment and trafficking in human beings, victims of traffic accidents, etc.): prevention programmes; information and counselling programmes; programmes of coordination, support and implementation of help and self-help; accommodation programmes; therapeutic programmes; activation programmes aimed at improving employment opportunities.



Responsible authority

The National Programme was prepared under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth (Ministry of Education, Science and Sport); different ministries are responsible for different measures, as follows.

  1. Measures in the field of youth housing are under the auspices of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of Finance.
  2. Measures in the field of youth and society and the significance of the youth sector are under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior, the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.

All authorities cooperate with other government or non-government institutions (e.g. National Youth Council of Slovenia, Youth Centres, youth organisations) in the implementation process.

Network social programmes aimed at preventing and resolving social distress of vulnerable population groups are under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Centres for social work actively participate in identifying specific needs on the local level.

Other programmes and its authority:

  • Resolution on the national social assistance programme 2013-2020 (under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities)
  • The Resolution on the National Programme of Sport of the Republic of Slovenia 2014-2023 (under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport)
  • Resolution on the National Programme on Illicit Drugs 2014–2020 (under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health)



  • It is envisaged that the National Youth Programme will be revised every three years, based on research related to the social position of youth in Slovenia. The current strategy (National Programme for Youth 2013–2022) has undergone no revisions or updates, with only a few changes to the action plans through which the National Programme is realised—for example, the amount of financing has changed, some authorities have been replaced and new enforcement instruments have been introduced.
  • Currently there is an ongoing motion for the upcoming Resolution on the National Social Protection Program 2021 – 2030 (ReNPSV21-30). A proposal for the Resolution has been submitted for consideration and is under preparation.