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4. Social Inclusion

4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people

Last update: 27 September 2024
On this page
  1. Existence of a national strategy on social inclusion
  2. Scope and contents
  3. Responsible authority
  4. Revisions/updates

Existence of a national strategy on social inclusion

In accordance with legislation (for more information, visit: Youth Wiki/Finland 4.2 Administration and Governance), Finland’s national strategy for the social inclusion of young people is based on the vision of the Government Programme. At the national level, the Government Programme sets the major policy directions to be followed. More specific strategic goals relating to social inclusion of young people are specified in the National Youth Work and Youth Policy Programme. It is the most central public document of youth policy in Finland. Overall, young people should be taken into consideration at two different levels: in youth policy specifically, and at the general policy level as well, see also Government Report on EU Policy.

Scope and contents

In the National Youth Work and Youth Policy Programme (2024-2027), measures related to social inclusion can be found throughout the programme, but especially in the part entitled ‘Supporting the wellbeing of young people by strengthening inclusion, communality and safety’ contains lot of them. Under the objective named as ‘Community, equality and resilience in the lives of young people are supported’, the intention can be summarised in the following two measures: 

  • The resilience of young people in facing social crises and challenging situations will be strengthened by clarifying and increasing the role of youth work, youth work in schools and other educational institutions, municipalities, third-sector actors, parishes and other religious communities for acting in strengthening community spirit and preventing loneliness. 
  • Equality, gender equality and non-discrimination will be strengthened in accordance with the Government statement to Parliament on promoting equality, gender equality and non-discrimination in Finnish society through sports/culture and youth sector measures, including education, government grant activities and equality plans.

Responsible authority

According to the Constitution, the Government submits annual reports to Parliament on governmental activities and on the measures undertaken in response to parliamentary decisions. Also, according to the Government Programme, the Government uses indicators in the follow-up of its strategic objectives and, if necessary, takes corrective measures on the basis of the information.

According to the Youth Act the Ministry of Education and Culture is primarily responsible authority that implements the National Youth Work and Youth Policy Programme in conjunction with various other ministries, such as Ministry of JusticeMinistry of the InteriorMinistry of DefenceMinistry of Economic Affairs and EmploymentMinistry of Social Affairs and Health, and Ministry of the Environment. For more information, visit: Youth Wiki/Finland 1.3 National Youth Strategy.


The Government adopts a new youth policy programme every four year. For more information, visit: Youth Wiki/Finland 1.3 National Youth Strategy.