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EACEA National Policies Platform


9. Youth and the World

Last update: 15 November 2024

Young people’s attitudes towards public matters is rapidly changing. The turnout in the 18-29 age group during the 2018 municipal elections was 37%, while during the first round of the presidential elections in 2020 it reached 64.5% (and for the first time in years matched the average across the population, having been markedly lower in previous years), and then 67.2% in the run-off election, slightly below the national average. High degree of election participation among the youth continues. During the last parliamentary elections (in 2023), 69.9% of youth participated, which was 24 percentage points higher than in 2019, and only 4 percentage points lower than the general population. Subsequent elections (local and European Parliament) provided similar, or slightly higher levels of participation compared to previous elections of that kind. Young people are raised in an individualistic manner in school, but they also feel an increasing need for a community. Not finding sufficient channels for articulating their needs, they create new, grassroots forms of activity for themselves, particularly in the field of fighting the climate change. An important context for the self-understanding of young Poles is the doubling of the percentage of people identifying themselves solely through a national lens. In 2023, 45% of young Poles saw themselves as “only a citizen of my country” (26% in 2020), and 44% have a hybrid identity (answers: „as a citizen of my country first, then as a European“ or „as a European first, then as a citizen of my country“ – 67% in 2020). It is the return the situation from 2017 edition of the research, and in no other country similar fluidity of identifications had been registered.