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EACEA National Policies Platform


4. Social Inclusion

4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion
  2. Scope and contents
  3. Responsible authority
  4. Revisions/ Updates

Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion

The concept of social inclusion contains a number of policy aspects with responsibilities of different ministries. For the policy area ‘education’ the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is responsible. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment is responsible for poverty policy. In short, there is no one ministry responsible for Social Inclusion. In this section four national strategies will be presented.

  1. National strategy; poverty projects
  2. National strategy; broad approach to debts
  3. National strategy; financial support and tax measures
  4. National strategy; education

Scope and contents

1. National strategy; poverty projects

Between 2014 and 2019 the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment financially supported  94 projects of (social) organizations, that combatted poverty and debts. In this time period an estimated number of 300.000 people in poverty and/or with debts have been reached. The projects had to focus on vulnerable people, especially on children growing up in poor families, young people with financial problems, single parents and non-Western households. The annual subsidy budget to support poverty projects was 4 million euros. In 2020 and 2021 the budget was spent on upscaling and preserving projects as part of the campaign ‘Do you get of out it?’ (Kom jij eruit?) in 2020.

Type of document: Regulation

Time of introduction: 30 June 2014

Timeframe: until now

Name: Regulation from the State Secretary of Social Affairs and Employment to promote activities providing a sustainable contribution to combating poverty and indebtedness (Regeling van de Staatssecretaris van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid van 30 juni 2014, 2014-0000087456, ter stimulering van activiteiten die een duurzame bijdrage leveren aan het tegengaan van armoede- en schuldenproblematiek)

Regulation modification end date subsidy period for projects of the Regulation for […] and debt problems, in view of the corona crisis (Regeling wijziging einddatum subsidiabele periode voor projecten ex Regeling ter [...] en schuldenproblematiek, in verband met de coronacrisis)



2. National strategy; broad approach to debts

In 2018 Dutch government launched the Action Plan Broad Approach to Debts 2018-2021 that contains 40 measures with the aim to prevent so-called problematic debts, to support people with debts and to collect money in a careful and socially responsible way. The ministries, municipalities, private and social organizations involved joined the Cooperation Broach Approach to Debts. In 2020 Cabinet made another 146 million euros available for locally provided help with debt problems, in response to the financial challenges of households because of the corona crisis.

The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment aims to continue the action plan after 2021.

Type of document: Action Plan

Time of introduction: 2018

Timeframe: until now

Name: Action Plan Broad Approach to Depts 2018-2021


3. National strategy; financial support and tax measures

Since 2017 Dutch government spends 100 million euros annually on poverty reduction for households with children. 85 million euros is spent by municipalities to support families in poverty. The rest of the budget is divided between national poverty organizations, the action programme Tel mee met taal to improve citizens’ mastery of the Dutch language, and projects aimed at children of poor families living on the Dutch Caribbean islands. The budget provided can be used for necessary school materials, sports activities, music lessons, supplemental training , school trips, et cetera.

In addition, several tax measures have been implemented and family allowances have been raised to increase the income of low-income families.

Type of document: Letter to Parliament by the State Secretary of Social Affairs and Employment

Time of introduction: 1 April 2019

Timeframe: until 2021

Name: Letter to Parliament ambitions regarding child poverty (Kamerbrief ambities kinderarmoede)


4. National strategy; education

Below you will find information on the regulation in the area of education and equal opportunities.

In chapters 3 and 4 inequality in education was emphasized. This is also described as a main challenge. On October 31 2016 the minister of Education, Culture and Science presented the action plan Equal opportunities in education (only in Dutch) in which measurements and the collaboration Gelijke Kansen Alliantie (Equal Opportunities Alliance) (only in Dutch) were presented. The Minister aims for more equality by a better transition in education, investing in link-up programmes between education levels, and so on. Specific target groups have been identified in this action plan, for instance young people with disadvantages, who have little opportunity to continue their studies. In 2020 the programme was extended to more municipalities. Read more about the programme in paragraph 6.10.

Type of document: Action Plan

Time of introduction: 31 October 2016

Timeframe: until now

Name: Action Plan Equal opportunities in education (Actieplan Gelijke kansen in het onderwijs)



Responsible authority

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment is the responsible authority for the national strategies on poverty projects, a broad approach on debts and financial support and tax measures as mentioned above.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is the responsible authority for the national strategy on equal opportunities in education. The ministry cooperates with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and municipalities (through the association of municipalities, VNG). School leaders, team leaders and teachers participate in communities to develop and share knowledge around specific topics.

This action plan builds on existing policy. The past years the ministry of Education, Culture and Science invested in a good qualitative education system in the Netherlands


1. National strategy; poverty projects

This regulation did not undergo major revisions or updates.

2. National strategy; broad approach to debts

This regulation did not undergo major revisions or updates.

3. National strategy; financial support and tax measures

This regulation did not undergo major revisions or updates.

4. National strategy; education

This regulation did not undergone major revisions or updates.