6.9 Awareness-raising about non-formal and informal learning and quality youth work
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Information providers / counselling structures
The main tool of non-formal education of young people in Poland are the scouting movements, international mobility programmes and non-governmental organisations.
The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego) is registered as an independent legal entity in Poland providing dynamic, values-based, non-formal educational and leadership training programmes for girls and boys between the ages of 6 and 25. Its activities are open to all young people, regardless of origin, nationality, race or creed. It aims to provide a safe environment for young people to develop their fullest potential as responsible and active citizens who participate in their local, national and international communities and all areas of society. Currently the membership of ZHP is about 110 000 girls and boys and leaders.
Scouting Association of the Republic, (Związek Harcerstwa Rzeczypospolitej) is a Polish Scouting organization founded on February 12, 1989. At present, Związek Harcerstwa Rzeczypospolitej has over 15 000 members. At present, Związek Harcerstwa Rzeczypospolitej is an associate member of the Confederation of European Scouts.
Foundation for the Development of the Education System established in 1993 is the only institution in Poland displaying extensive expertise in managing European educational programmes. FRSE has been appointed the Polish National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme implemented in the years 2014-2020.
Eurodesk is an international nonprofit association created in 1990. As a support organisation to Erasmus+, Eurodesk makes information on learning mobility comprehensive and accessible to young people and those who work with them. With a network of national coordinators connected to over 1000 local information providers in 35 European countries, Eurodesk raises awareness on learning mobility opportunities and encourages young people to become active citizens. Eurodesk is the main source of youth information on European policies, mobility information and opportunities. It answers enquiries and provides guidance for mobile young people across Europe. Eurodesk updates and manages content on the European Youth Portal, it also answers enquiries coming from the Portal.
Awareness raising initiatives
Awareness raising initiatives include trainings funded by the Erasmus+ programme, i.e. on youth work in rural areas or trainings provided by FRSE for libraries, labour offices or voluntary labour corps. The trainings are provided by the pool of tainers.