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4. Social Inclusion

4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people

Last update: 25 March 2024
On this page
  1. Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion
  2. Scope and contents
  3. Responsible authority
  4. Revisions/ Updates

Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion

The National strategy regarding social inclusion and poverty reduction for the period 2022—2027 (Strategia Națională privind incluziunea socială și reducerea sărăciei pentru perioada 2022—2027) was adopted on 30 March 2022, through the Government Decision no. 440/2022.

Scope and contents

In the field of social inclusion of youth, the strategy includes measures targeting children and young people under 18 and measures targeting young adults:

  1. A plan to increase the financial benefits form social inclusion for all beneficiaries, including young people;
  2. Update of grant awarded to pay costs with accommodation, transportation and meals for young people enrolled in vocational and technical education: young people from rural and disadvantaged areas, people of ethnic origin, Roma and people with disabilities or belonging to other groups vulnerable;
  3. The Second Chance national program: the programme offers a flexible school approach to bring children, young people and adults back to school, allowing them to graduate mandatory education levels;
  4. Information campaigns against bulling and violence in schools;
  5. Actions to promote good practices related to the operationalization of spaces for the teaching process and campuses, so as to facilitate the access of students with disabilities; Adapting study materials to the needs of young people with disabilities as well as supporting the integration of people with disabilities into the academic environment in order to pursue a teaching career or administrative or auxiliary positions;
  6. Inclusion of children and young immigrants and beneficiaries of international protection in the public educational system;
  7. Continuation of the provision of services dedicated to young people at risk of social marginalization such as: information and professional counselling; mediation and facilitation of employment, including by promoting the advantages of youth employment among employers; continuation of the financial incentives given to employers for hiring young people (as observed, most of these strategic actions are linked with the employment policy presented in Chapter 3 of Youth Wiki);
  8. Building social housing for young people, especially young people leaving the special protection system;
  9. The socio-professional insertion of young people leaving the special protection system;
  10. Development of cross-institutional cooperation for the social reintegration of minors and young people who have committed crimes, to reduce recidivism and prevent delinquent behaviour;
  11. Streamlining the process of participation of children, adolescents and young people in the adoption of decisions that concern them.

Responsible authority

There is no unique responsible authority for the implementation of the social inclusion measures. Different measures are in the responsibility of different authorities, as follows:


The National Strategy on Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction 2015-2020 (approved by Government Decision no. 383/2015) and the Youth Strategy 2015-2020 (approved by Government Decision no. 24/2015) have been the strategic framework for the youth social inclusion policies in Romania until March 2022. In the field of social inclusion of youth, the two strategies have included measures targeting children and young people under 18 and measures targeting young adults. The most important of these measures have been continued after 2020 (in 2021 and 2021) and continue after the adoption of the new strategy in 2022, as they respond to long-term needs. These measures are:

  1. The School after school national program in the less favoured schools. The programme aims at educational support for vulnerable children and young people in order to prevent school dropout by providing after school programmes, including hot meals. The programme piloted in 50 schools and expanded then at the national level.
  2. The Second Chance national program. The programme offers a flexible school approach to bring children, young people and adults back to school, allowing them to graduate mandatory education levels.
  3. The socio-professional insertion of young people leaving the special protection system

The initiative aims at developing Transit Centres, Social Apartments, social housing and support for socio-professional inclusion of young people leaving the special protection system.