8. Creativity and Culture
In Poland individuals aged between 25-34 and 15-24 years - represent the high percentage of people who consider culture as important (81.4 and 81.9 percent respectively), in the 15-24 age group was the highest percentage of people who read at least one book - 76.3 percent (in cities - 81.6 percent, in rural areas - 69.2 percent, however, it should be mentioned that often those are school or student textbooks and, as such, obligatory readings).
As far as the use of mass media is concerned, 65 percent of people aged 15 or over were reading newspapers, while in the youngest age group (15-24 years) - 48.3 percent (...) the most people listening to the radio were in the group of 25-34 years old - 89.8 percent, but on the other hand, the least radio listeners were recorded in the youngest group (15-24 years). When it comes to watching movies, young people relatively often go to the cinema (92.4 percent of the 15-24 years old group) but at the same time, the lowest percentage of viewers of the feature films (86.4 percent) was recorded in this group.
COVID-19 pandemic has increased the use of paid streaming platforms – in 2021, 20% more Poles have such a subscription compared to the previous year. The consequences of the pandemic are far more wide-reaching among the youth. According to 2021 CBOS research Youth 2021 (Młodzież 2021) done for the National Center for Addiction Prevention (Krajowe Centrum Przeciwdziałania Uzależnieniom), during the pandemic the number of hours that young people aged 18-19 spend on the Internet (5,03 in 2021, compared to 4,31 in 2018 and 3,03 in 2013). Approximately two thirds of young people (62%) are constantly online and receive news in real time. More people watch movies and TV series online as well as play online games. Listening to radio online is consistently highly reported.
Newest data suggests that the youth understand culture as something exceptional and associate it with events organized by large institutions, but do not see Internet activities (including their own) as culture. In the minds of Polish youth, culture is “high culture”. wysokiej”.