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1. Youth Policy Governance

Last update: 7 November 2024

The “State Strategy for Youth for 2003-2012” (Strategy) prepared before Poland’s accession to the EU remains the only document determining the development and directions of Polish youth policy. The Strategy emphasises the links that exist between youth policy and legal regulations concerning education, social welfare, national defence, employment and combating unemployment, children’s living conditions in families, healthcare, as well as prevention of crime, drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Currently, there is no strategy in Poland directly relating to young people.

When determining the objectives of youth policy in the Strategy, the Council of Ministers asumed that the Strategy should cover people aged 15-25. The Strategy was prepared by a team composed of representatives of youth organisations, experts researching youth problems and representatives of the Minister of National Education and Sport. The document underwent public consultation with young people and public administration representatives. Work on the preparation of the Strategy was coordinated by the Ministry of National Education, and the Minister of Education was responsible for its implementation. The authors of the Strategy emphasised the necessity to create conditions for the coordination of the activities of the government, institutions and non-governmental organisations working for young people.

In February 2019 The Associacion for Establishing the Youth Council of the Republic of Poland (Stowarzyszenie na rzecz powołania Rady Młodzieży RP) published a document “The Assumptions for the National Youth Strategy for 2020-2030” (Założenia do Strategii Państwa dla Młodzieży na lata 2020-2030).

In 2021 Government's Plenipotary for Youth Policy (Pełnomocnik Rządu ds. Polityki Młodzieżowej) and The Dialogue Council with the Young Generationhas (Rada Dialogu z Młodym Pokoleniem) have launched a consultation of the "Strategy for the Young Generation" („Strategia RP na rzecz Młodego Pokolenia”). Finally, despite the ongoing work, the "Strategy for the Young Generation” was not enacted.