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EACEA National Policies Platform
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

4. Social Inclusion

4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people

Last update: 22 December 2023
On this page
  1. Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion
  2. Scope and contents
  3. Responsible authority
  4. Revisions/ Updates

Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion

A Specific National Strategy on social inclusion of young people is not in place. However, the needs of young people in terms of their social inclusion, were addressed in the Strategy on Poverty Reduction and Social Exclusion 2010-2020 (Национална стратегија за намалување на сиромаштијата и социјалната исклученост 2010-2020). The Strategy is a document which reflects the intention of the Republic of North Macedonia for balancing the degree of inclusion and welfare in all social levels. The inclusion of vulnerable and marginalized categories of young people is mentioned in the new version of the new National Youth Strategy as a strategic goal 2, in the field of entrepreneurship, in the context of their greater inclusion in the labor market. However, so far (December 2023) we do not have any other new particular strategy regarding poverty reduction and social inclusion.

Social inclusion policy in North Macedonia is formed both on the basis of the need and the opportunity of every citizen finding himself/herself at risk of social exclusion, as well as on the needs of specific vulnerable groups which shall be subject to proposed special measures harmonized with and corresponding to the previously proposed measures and activities. That’s why the Government of North Macedonia adopted some strategies dealing with promotion of social inclusion for a concrete category of citizens (ex. Roma people, people with disabilities).

Ministry of Labor and Social Policy adopted Programme for Dealing with the Problems of Socially Excluded Persons (Програма за справување со проблемите на социјално исклучените лица). The general objectives of the Programme are:

        - Termination of the trans-generational chain of exclusion;
       - Strengthening and supporting the beneficiaries of all target groups in the direction of their active engagement in the life of the community;
       - Application and testing of new practices for social inclusion of target groups.

Target groups of this program are: drug users and their family members; street children / street children and their parents; victims of domestic violence and homeless people.

Currently the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy starting from 2018 – 2024 is implementing The Social Services Improvement Project which is supported by the World Bank. The main objective of the project is to expand the access to social services and improve the quality of social services, including services of childcare and care facilities for vulnerable groups. 

The Ministry of Education and Science refers to „promoting the concept of equality and non-discrimination in the education system“ as a priority in its Strategic plan 2022-2024 (Стратешки план 2022-2024 на Министерство за образование и наука).                                                       

Scope and contents

The Strategy on Poverty Reduction and Social Exclusion (2010-2020), addressed young people’s needs in terms of social inclusion as a general public with certain specific measures only for young people. The main strategic objective for poverty reduction and social inclusion in the Republic of North Macedonia was to reduce poverty and social exclusion by better utilization of the available human resources, improving living, working and social conditions for all citizens, systematic and institutional coordinated approach for faster development, higher standard and better quality of life, as well as developing effective mechanisms for social inclusion of vulnerable categories in local context. 

The structure of the Strategy is established based on the areas and fields in which poverty and social exclusion are observed:

  • Employment
  • Informal economy and strengthening entrepreneurship
  • Labor market
  • Poverty and social disadvantage
  • Health protection
  • Long-term care
  • Education
  • Social protection
  • Transport
  • Communications
  • Housing
  • Child protection
  • Equal opportunities for men and women
  • Develop public sensibility for social inclusion

Responsible authority

Due to the complex and multi-dimensional element of the problems previously elaborated, the highest management body, the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia was the main implementer and coordinator in implementing this strategy. Certainly, the ministries were the implementers of the individual strategic goals and measures in line with their obligations.In that direction,  the responsible ministries and bodiesi.e. institutions for implementing the measures and activities proposed in this Strategy on Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion were the following:


In 2013, one major revision of the Strategy on poverty reduction and social exclusion (2010-2020) was made.

With the implementation of the measures and activities, during the first two years, of the National Strategy on Poverty Reduction and Social Exclusion (2010-2020) certain base results were achieved. In specific this progress was reflected in: increasing employment, number of citizens using social welfare rights and protection, as well as in the area of child protection. Major achievements were made in the field of education by: introducing obligatory high school and dispersal higher education; as well as in the field of availability and usage of information technology. The revision came after adoption of new policies that influence the Strategy itself.

The main changes of the Strategy were reflected to:

  • amending the strategic goals (to fit to the EU Strategy on development and growth 2020)
  • decreasing the number of focus areas from 14 to 7:
    1. Employment and strengthening of entrepreneurship
    2. Adjustment of education to fit to the labor market
    3. Social and child protection, and development of new social model (oriented to an individual and his needs)
    4. Advancing health protection and long-term care
    5. Transport, communication and housing
    6. Activation and strengthening of local authorities
    7. Support of vulnerable groups.


In the Аnalysis of the Strategy on poverty reduction and social exclusion 2010-2020 of the Association for Support and Development- Humanity, it is assessed that the strategy partially gave the projected results and imposes the need to prepare a new overall Strategy. However, since then, a new Strategy for poverty reduction  has not yet been adopted (December 2023).