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EACEA National Policies Platform


4. Social Inclusion

4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people

Last update: 5 March 2024
On this page
  1. Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion
  2. Scope and contents
  3. Responsible authority
  4. Revisions/ Updates


In Greece, the conditions under which the vision of the new National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty is determined are special. The policy framework established in the EU provides a framework within which the Strategic Plan can be shaped, learning from past experience and modifying prioritisation based on the needs of today and tomorrow.

There are three sections that determine the vision of the strategy:

 ▪ Alleviate all forms of inequality, giving priority to the most vulnerable groups. Diversity and social integration are advantages for society as a whole.

▪ The state must actively support citizens and the most vulnerable groups, not only with passive interventions, as was done until recently, but also with supplies so that citizens can benefit and acquire (again) an active role in society and the economy.

 ▪ There should be an open dialogue between the state and citizens, so that planning reflects the real needs of society. The dialogue between the different levels of government and the bodies that implement social policy is also necessary.

Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion

National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction 2021 is the main strategy to define the planning for the social inclusion of the Greek youth, however another 3 governmental documents provide additional measures for the same scope.

  1. The Strategic Plan for Vocational Education Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth 2022-2024 (Στρατηγικό Σχέδιο Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης,Κατάρτισης, Διά Βίου Μάθησης και Νεολαίας 2022-2024): The Strategic Plan was submitted by the Ministry of Education in 2022 and before being voted, it was discussed in the Committee on Educational Affairs of the Greek Parliament. The Strategic Plan covers the years 2022-2024.
  2. National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction 2021 (Εθνική Στρατηγική για την Κοινωνική Ένταξη και Μείωση της Φτώχειας): The Strategy was formulated in 2014 and was the reference framework for the formulation of the respective Regional Strategies. It was updated in 2018, based on the available implementation data and the need to meet the current needs of the target groups.
  3. Youth Guarantee Action Plan, Revision of the Action Plan for the years 2018-2020 (Σχέδιο Δράσης της Εγγύησης για τη Νεολαία, Αναθεώρηση του Σχεδίου Δράσης για τα έτη 2018-2020): Pursuant to the Recommendation of the Youth Guarantee Council, Greece drafted and submitted to the European Commission the Youth Guarantee Action Plan in December 2013, which was updated in May 2014 and then again in 2018.
  4. Youth 17-27, Strategic Framework For The Empowerment of Youth (Νεολαία’17-’27: Πλαίσιο Στρατηγικής&Δράσεων για την Ενδυνάμωση των Νέων):  The "Youth '17 -'27: Strategy Framework for Youth Empowerment" was published by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports in 2018 and covers the period 2021 -2027.

Scope and contents

National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction 2021 is the main strategy to define the planning for the social inclusion of the Greek youth, however another 3 governmental documents provide additional measures for the same scope.

  1. The Strategic Plan for Vocational Education Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth 2022-2024 (Στρατηγικό Σχέδιο Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης,Κατάρτισης, Διά Βίου Μάθησης και Νεολαίας 2022-2024).

The Vocational Training, Training and Lifelong Learning and Youth Strategy includes the core principles of the Youth Policy Strategy as described below:

 • Recognition of the specific role of young people in society and recognition of the obligation of the State to respond to the specific challenges that young people face today

• Cross-sectoral approach to the strategy - Inter-ministerial cooperation

• Synergy with other policies that concern and interest young people, such as those of Education, Training, Employment and Social Policy

• Equal access for all young people and setting priorities for young people with fewer opportunities

• Policies and measures that will facilitate the mobility of young people

• Institutional recognition of the profession of youth workers and support of the work of those who work with / for young people (youth work - youth workers)

• Recording the real needs and interests of young people, through the participation of young people themselves and civil society in decision-making processes that concern them

• Ongoing process of research and study of needs, in an ever-changing social, cultural and economic environment

• Relevance of the youth policy objectives to those of the 5-year government development programme

• Relevance of national policy objectives and measures with the corresponding European ones (connection of the National Strategy with the EU Youth Strategy 2017-2027).


  1. National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction 2021 (Εθνική Στρατηγική για την Κοινωνική Ένταξη και Μείωση της Φτώχειας)

The planning helped to make social inclusion interventions, for the first time, an integrated approach and planning at national and regional level. The National Strategy is one of the most important building pillars of the Regional Business Programmes for the Programming Period 2021–2027. The aim of the National Strategy is to define and document the strategic choices of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, during the new programming period through the development of an integrated policy of prevention and fight against labour and social exclusion, especially of special and vulnerable groups. live in Greece. The National Strategy primarily includes:

-the main reform initiatives and actions towards the reconstruction of the country and the upgrading of its social fabric,

-the new strategic priorities for social inclusion and the fight against social exclusion, and

-the new goals and the general directions of the national development policy of the country in the field of social inclusion.

In any case, the National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction is a text of a dynamic nature, whose measures and related actions are not exhaustive. The national and European orientation and planning, any new national and European treaties and challenges, as well as the annual monitoring of policy priorities and the evaluation of the measures and actions of the new strategy, may bring about changes during the new programming period. or the addition of new interventions, so that the Greek state responds immediately and effectively to the current needs of the special and vulnerable groups of the population.

  1.  Youth Guarantee Action Plan, Revision of the Action Plan for the years 2018-2020 (Σχέδιο Δράσης της Εγγύησης για τη Νεολαία, Αναθεώρηση του Σχεδίου Δράσης για τα έτη 2018-2020)

The Plan identified a wide range of interventions for the smooth integration of young people into the labour market, which are divided into: a) institutional reforms and b) programmes to facilitate the entry of young people into employment.

The Department of Labour Integration of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security, and Social Solidarity, as the National Coordinator for Youth Guarantee, has revised the Youth Guarantee Action Plan in 2018. The aim is to reflect the situation in the labour market, to capture the progress of actions, and to include actions as they have been redesigned and actions to be implemented. Several actions from this revision are still active in 2022 and the Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs issued a call for proposals for the operational programme "Human Resources Development, Education, and Lifelong Learning" entitled "Integrated Intervention for the Support of Young People aged 18-29 in the framework of the Action Plan" Guarantee for Youth."

  1. Youth 17-27, Strategic Framework For The Empowerment of Youth (Νεολαία’17-’27: Πλαίσιο Στρατηγικής&Δράσεων για την Ενδυνάμωση των Νέων).

The principles that govern the Strategy determine its correctness and effectiveness are:

1. Ensuring equality for young people (equal rights, equal opportunities, equal treatment and respect for diversity)

2. Empowerment of young people and strengthening of their autonomy

3. Encourage individual and social responsibility

4. Promoting the active participation of young people in processes and decision-making centres on issues that concern them

5. Social cohesion and solidarity

6. Cooperation and mutual commitment between all bodies that support young people

7. Documentation and scientific research

8. Transparency

Responsible authority

The responsible authority for the National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction 2021, is the National Coordination Mechanism of Monitoring and Evaluation of Social inclusion and Social Cohesis Policies which consists of the entities that are described in section 4.2 (Governance).


The strategies have not been significantly revised or updated.