4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people
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Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion
Scope and contents
Responsible authority
Revisions/ Updates
Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion
Although there is no strategy for social inclusion of young people adopted, social inclusion issue as a priority issue is highlighted in a number of policy planning documents.
The Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030 highlights four strategic principles - creative activity, tolerance, co-operation, and participation – which should serve as the basis for the future of society in Latvia:
- Creative activity – possibility to develop new ideas, forms of action or to link the existing ideas, concepts, methods and actions in a new way.
- Tolerance – ensures reduction of social exclusion and discrimination, including inequality of income, age and gender discrimination in the labour market, ethnic prejudices and linguistic institutional obstacles.
- Co-operation – horizontal and vertical co-operation among institutions and inhabitants.
- Participation – only with active participation of the society in the policy-making, culture and art and local community activities, it is possible to find optimal solutions to various situations, promote social cohesion and awareness.
The national Development Plan for 2021-2027 sets social Inclusion as one of the strategic directions under the Priority 1: “Strong Families, a Healthy and Active Population”. It aims to achieve that a personalised, human-centred social support is offered to all who need it or might need it. Concrete measures are planned in the National Development Plan. One of the measures focused on young people aims to create a family environment for children in out-of-home care by 1) improving the protection of the rights and interests of children living in out-of-home care, 2) improving support and services, 3) improving support services for young people after out-of-home care thereby facilitating social inclusion. It is planned to expand and strenghten the role and modalities of youth policy to facilitate the effective transition from childhood to adulthood.
The current youth policy planning documents Children, Youth, and Family Development Guidelines for 2022-2027 and the Youth Policy Implementation Plan for 2023-2024 include several tasks aimed at the inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities in society.
Scope and contents
The main aim of the above-discussed documents is to provide support measures and implement initiatives targeted at young people exposed to the risk of social exclusion.
Responsible authority
Social inclusion issues fall within the competence of the Ministry of Welfare, but the issues of youth inclusion are dealt with and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science in co-operation with other institutions and authorities.
The Agency for International Programmes for Youth supports inclusive youth work programmes and projects (see more information in the subchapters 4.4. Inclusive programmes for young people and 4.7 Youth work to foster social inclusion).
Current strategy did not undergo revisions/updates