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8. Creativity and Culture

8.6 Developing entrepreneurial skills through culture

Last update: 15 November 2024
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  1. Developing entrepreneurial skills through cultural activities
  2. Support young entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sectors

Developing entrepreneurial skills through cultural activities

The activities on the part of authorities aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial abilities by taking part in cultural activities, in addition to supporting entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sector in Poland are not addressed to young people as a separate age group. This does not change the fact that such undertakings are usually carried out by the youngest generations.

In the context of developing entrepreneurial competences in culture, it is also worth mentioning the aforementioned Strategy for Responsible Development for the period up to 2020 including the perspective up to 2030 (Strategia na rzecz odpowiedzialnego rozwoju do roku 2020 z perspektywą do roku 2030), where section 3 mentions the mobilisation of private capital for research and development and innovation activities, as well as increasing the market potential of the conducted research and the commercialisation of the results. This is to be achieved through a “package for creative industries aimed at supporting innovative products developed by the cultural and creative sectors. The package makes it possible to build a competitive advantage within the sector and counteracts the outflow of creative capital. The proposed measures include the introduction of incentives for the making audio-visual productions in Poland, the introduction of tax holiday for companies from the creative sector, and the establishment of the so-called ‘fast-track tax path’ for international productions in the audio-visual segment”.

Support for businessmen in the cultural and creative sector is an important aspect of the Strategy for the Development of Social Capital  (Cooperation, Culture, Creativity) 2030 (Strategii Rozwoju Kapitału Społecznego (współdziałanie, kultura, kreatywność) 2030). Its particular goal number 3 is the empowerment of socio-economic national development through culture and creative sectors. Culture and creative sectors are seen as important aspects for making the socio-economic growth of Poland more dynamic. One of the priority areas is the development of professional competence for the creative sector through professional education fit for the needs of the creative sector, adjustment of the educational possibilities to the needs of the labor market and increasing tempo of technological development, as well as strengthening the cooperation between art schools and businesses.

Support young entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sectors

In Poland, there is no specialised system of educating for the development of entrepreneurship competences in culture. A review of offers in this area leads mainly to identifying individual subjects and courses (at schools and universities) run on an ad hoc basis, usually by non-governmental organisations or institutions of culture. Currently paid, post-graduate courses (conducted online) in the field of Culture Management are available in the Center of Postgraduate Learning in Łódź (Centrum Kształcenia Podyplomowego w Łodzi) and in the Institute of Culture of the Jagiellonian University Faculty of Management and Social Communication (Instytut Kultury Wydziału Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie).