1.7 Funding youth policy
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How Youth policy is funded
No single source of funding for activities relating to Polish youth policy can be identified. Projects and programmes with young people in mind are financed from funds being at the disposal of individual ministries, governmental agencies or local governments. Based on available information, it is possible to quote the amounts that are earmarked for strategic programmes and projects for young people:
- The Government Program Youth Fund (Rządowy Program Fundusz Młodzieżowy): PLN 10 000 000 in 2022 and PLN 20 000 000 in 2023,
- Programme CLUB (Program KLUB): PLN 75 000 000 in 2023,
- Programme Academic Sport (Sport Akademicki): PLN 14 000 000 in 2023,
- Programme School Sports Club (Program Szkolny Klub Sportowy): PLN 70 000 000 in 2023,
- Programme “Family 500+” (Program Rodzina 500+): PLN 39 892 400 in 2021,
- National Readership Development Programme (Narodowy Program Rozwoju Czytelnictwa 2.0): PLN 150 412 500 in 2023,
- Solidarity Corps (Korpus Solidarności): PLN 4 063 710 in 2023.
In July 2022 was established The Government Program Youth Fund for 2022-2033 (Rządowy Program Fundusz Młodzieżowy na lata 2022-2033), which the main goal is increase the involvement of youth and youth non-governmental organizations in public life. The Program has three substantive priorities, under which eligible entities can submit bids for task funding:
- Priority 1: Activation of youth in local governments.
- Track 1: Creation and activation of youth councils.
- Track 2. Activation of student and school councils.
- Priority 2: Youth organizations in public life.
- Priority 3: Strengthening the competence of youth organizations.
The program is managed by the National Freedom Institute Centre for Civil Society Development. In Priority 1 (Activation of youth in local governments) in the polish provinces have been selected regranting organizations to provide grants for initiatives implemented by youth. The budget for The Government Program Youth Fund from 2022 to 2033 is PLN 230 000 000.
The Children and Youth Council of the Republic of Poland operating under the authority of the Minister of Education and Science has no budget of its own. Expenses relating to its operation are covered from a budget remaining at the disposal of the Minister of Education and Science.
As there are no sources available and because it is difficult to estimate the amount of support already provided (e.g.: as part of grant competitions organised at local, regional or national levels or competitions organised by non-governmental bodies) it is difficult to estimate the amount of funding which has reached non-governmental organisations implementing projects mobilising young people.
What is funded?
Not applicable
Financial accountability
Not applicable
Use of EU Funds
Projects relating to increasing employment opportunities funded under the operational programme Knowledge, Education, Development within 2014-2020 will receive over EUR 2 000 000 000 out of the programme budget of over EUR 5 430 000 000.
The budget of the programme Youth solidarity in action (Młodzież solidarna w działaniu), that supports initiatives contributing to gaining social competencies by young people under 29 years old, amounted PLN 20 mln.