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EACEA National Policies Platform


4. Social Inclusion

4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people

Last update: 10 October 2024
On this page
  1. Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion
  2. Scope and contents
  3. Responsible authority
  4. Revisions/ Updates

Existence of a National Strategy on social inclusion

There is no specific strategy on social inclucion of youth as a special group. However, the Action plan of the National Youth Policy 2023-2027 include many youth social inclusion targets.

Also, the Action Plan for Increasing Social Inclusion for 2014 - 2020  mentions youth among other target groups. In 2014, the Action Plan for Increasing Social Inclusion for 2014 - 2020 was revised, distinguishing target groups of residents, revising measures and planning for the funds allocated for the implementation of the measures. 

In 2019, the Action plan for increasing social coverage for 2020-2023 was approved, which was prepared in order to create conditions for the development of services for the socially vulnerable, persons experiencing social risk and exclusion, which would ensure the active inclusion of these persons, primarily in order to promote equal opportunities to participate in the labor market and better employment opportunities possibilities.

The National Program for the Development of Youth Policy for 2011 – 2019, which was adopted by Lithuania Government in 2010 has many measures to re-engage the young people not in employment, education or training (NEET).  The Action Plans for 2011 -2013 and 2014 – 2016 of implementing The National Program for the Development of Youth Policy for 2011 – 2019 have measures addressing NEETs as well. Also the Program for intensive long-term support for unemployed and school drop-outs was approved in 2013. The National Working Plan for Implementation of Youth Guarantee Initiative was approved in 2021. Measures to ensure access to decent housing for young people at risk of social exclusion exist. As the Ministry of Social Security and Labour is responsible for the measures, that should be taken to people at risk of social exclusion, so the function of housing is delegated to municipalities according to the Law on State Support for Rent and Housing. There is foreseen, that municipalities should provide the social housing for rent and to support for housing and construction (reconstruction). Measures addressing the social integration of young people with disabilities exist. From 2006 the Department for the Affairs of Disabled at the Ministry of Social Security and Labour provides financial support for disabled people who are studying at institutions of higher education. The following financial assistance measures are given to disabled students (of all age groups): 1.Monthly payment for special needs; 2.Partially covering the tuition fees for the studies.

Rural areas in Lithuania could be characterized by emigration of young people, decreasing birth rate and ageing of population, thus, Rural Development Programme for Lithuania 2014-2020 and Lithuanian Agriculture and Rural Development Strategic Plan for 2023-2027 focuses on social integration and elimination of distinctions between rural and urban areas. This Programme aims to strengthened human capital and decrease youth unemployment by providing support to vocational training, advisory services, information actions and young farmers’ start-ups. 

Scope and contents

The Action plan of the National Youth Policy 2023-2027 places great emphasis on youth coverage: 1) ensure social coverage of youth; 2) involve young people in voluntary activities; 3) Involve young people in the mental health ambassadors initiative aimed at reducing the stigma of mental health and other. 4) strive for faster integration of the youth of national minorities, war refugees and migrant groups into the education system, labor market and society; 5) encourage young people to participate in civic activities; 6) to develop youth citizenship by encouraging participation in the activities of youth organizations, voluntary activities and other forms of civic participation; 7) to develop a system of timely and effective work with youth in order to achieve greater integration; 8) implement summer employment and labor market integration programs in municipalities; 9) 9) encourage municipalities to provide financial incentives to young people and young families when purchasing or renting their first home.

The main focus of the Action Plan for Increasing Social Inclusion for 2014 - 2020 and Action plan for increasing social coverage for 2020-2023 has been placed on increasing opportunities of people who are most distant from the labour market to participate in the implementation of active inclusion measures. Services for strengthening competencies of the elderly and the disabled, sociocultural services and services of integration into the labour market of the Roma, activation of voluntary activities of youth and the elderly, projects for the implementation of local employment initiatives have been planned for.

The Action plan of the national youth policy for 2023-2027 has the following purposes related to youth social inclusion: 1) to ensure the development of social security, education, and health systems to meet various needs of youth; 2)  to develop and coordinate the system of work with youth as well as ensure the development of youth employment infrastructure. The Program of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania 2012-2016 had approved the following priority measures related to youth social inclusion in the field of youth policy for 2012 - 2016: 1) to provide measures and actions aimed to increase youth employment and foster youth entrepreneurship; 2) to define youth work and its principles, to improve activities and functions of the institutions working in the field of youth; 3) to strengthen prevention of youth unemployment expanding and improving vocational information, orientation and counselling, introducing young people to the trends of social and economic development of modern society as well as employment opportunities. Lithuanian Agriculture and Rural Development Strategic Plan for 2023-2027 focuses on social integration and elimination of distinctions between rural and urban areas. Among other objectives it aims to strengthened human capital in rural areas and decrease youth unemployment by providing support to vocational training, advisory services, information actions and young farmers’ start-ups.

Responsible authority

The Minstry of Social Security and Labour together with the Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health, and municipalities are responsible for implemetation of the Action Plan for Increasing Social Inclusion for 2014 - 2020 plan measures according to the areas of their competences. The evidence-based assessment and evaluation of the implementation of the Action Plan for Increasing Social Inclusion for 2014 - 2020 is conducted annualy and analysis of the assessment and evaluation are available in public reports. These reports present appropriate and detailed analysis of poverty and social exclusion of all groups including youth in Lithuania. They provide general overview and  statistical data about poverty and social exclusion in Lithuania as well as comprehensive analysis of the results of the implementation of measures aimed at combating social exclusion, as well as evaluation of the success of the implemention of these measures.  Other reliable data sources could be mentioned in order to analyse social exclusion in Lithuania. These include official data presented by Lithuanian State data Agency, data collected by universities and research institutes (e.g. LSMC), non-governmental organizations data. Department of Statistics presents data on poverty rate by socioeconomic group, family type and so on. For analysis of poverty and social exclusion  Household Budget Survey as well as The Survey on Income and Living Conditions are carried out regularly by the Lithuanian State data Agency since 2005. Regional Statistics are also collected by the Lithuanian State data Agency

The Ministry of Social Security and Labor of Lithuania is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the Action Plan for 2020-2023 and the Action plan of the national youth policy for 2023-2027.


The Action plan of the national youth policy for 2023-2027  was reviset 3 times: 3) Order  A1-438 2024-06-28; 2) Order A1-261 2024-04-08; 1) Order A1-765 2023-11-20. There were no substantial changes/additions to the content.

In 2014, the Action Plan for Increasing Social Inclusion for 2014 - 2020 was revised, distinguishing target groups of residents, revising measures and planning for the funds allocated for the implementation thereof in 2015–2016. The main focus has been placed on increasing opportunities of people who are most distant from the labour market to participate in the implementation of active inclusion measures. Services for strengthening competencies of the elderly and the disabled, sociocultural services and services of integration into the labour market of the Roma, activation of voluntary activities of youth and the elderly, projects for the implementation of local employment initiatives have been planned for.

The Action plan for increasing social coverage for 2020-2023 was revised 3 times. In 15 december, 2021 the target group of the Action Plan was specified: Action plan target group - citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and persons who have been issued a long-term EU residence permit of the Republic of Lithuania or a permit of the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania to come to the Republic of Lithuania for special humanitarian reasons and who are considered to be at social risk, experiencing social exclusion and/or socially vulnerable persons (hereinafter referred to as the target group).