7.6 Mechanisms of early detection and signposting of young people facing health risks
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Policy framework
The basis for health prevention in the German-speaking Community is the Decree of 1 June 2004 on Health Promotion and Medical Prevention (Dekret vom 1. Juni 2004 zur Gesundheitsförderung).
By health promotion, the decree understands any action that aims to give people a higher degree of self-determination over their own health and thereby strengthen their health. By medical prevention, the decree includes operational strategies that aim to prevent diseases or their development and to reduce the risk group as soon as possible.
The Department of Health of the Ministry of the German-speaking Community may collect and use personal data on health, in application of said Decree and the Act of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data.
Advisory Board for Health Promotion (Beirat für Gesundheitsförderung)
The Decree of 01 June 2004 also called the Advisory Board for Health Promotion into being, made up of health sector representatives, Consumer Protection Center (Verbraucherschutzzentrale, VSZ), health care funds and the Center for the Healthy Development of Children and Young People Kaleido (Kaleido Ostbelgien). Representatives of the government and the Ministries belong to the Advisory Board in an advisory capacity. The term of office is four years and can be renewed.
Guidance to stakeholders
The Advisory Board on Health Promotion advises the government on issues of health promotion on its own initiative or on their request.
Also on its own initiative or at the request of the government, the Advisory Board can develop proposals for the implementation of the Concept on Health Promotion of 2017 (Konzept zur Gesundheitsförderung von 2017) mentioned in the Decree and act as a link between actors in health promotion.
The government must submit to the Advisory Board all drafts of preliminary declarations and rule-taking in the field of health promotion as well as the preliminary drafts adopting the concept of its thematic priorities.
Target groups
There are no specified target groups.
The Decree of 01 June 2004 determines that government institutions and organizations can get subsidies if they:
- are constituted as non-profit associations within the German-speaking Community;
- are active in the field of health promotion;
- have qualified personnel who meet the minimum requirements set by the government;
- accept the government's control over the application of the decree.
Annual action plans are agreed upon with the various organisations that define their work priorities
and should help avoid double offers in the German-speaking Community.
In addition to annual funds, the government can grant funds for individual projects, if those:
- were approved in advance;
- are in line with the health prevention concept;
- correspond to the priorities defined by the government.