Last update: 28 November 2023
- Apprenticeship: the aim of apprenticeships is learning a vocation in the business. For this the apprentice signs a contract with his/her employer where he/she carries out the practical training. In addition, theoretical knowledge is taught in a centre for SME education and training.
- Children: people from the ages of 4 to 11 years old.
- Dual / work-linked training: programmes that provide general and vocational training alternating between school or training centre and business. Depending on the state, this alternation between the different learning locations can be organised on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. Unlike apprentices, the participants do not sign a contract with the employer where they are doing the practical training and as a rule do not receive any pay.
- Framework plans: Core skills and framework plans specify what educational objectives pupils should have attained up to a certain key stage. To attain the specified educational objectives, the framework plans determine among other things what part-skills the pupils must acquire at the individual stages. These framework plans are compulsory for teaching in primary school and in the first stage of secondary school.
- Lifelong learning: Any formal, non-formal and informal learning activity in all (i.e. personal, civic, social or employment-related) areas of life and during the whole of life.
- Non-formal and informal education: "Non-formally" and "informally" acquired skills are those that have been acquired outside school: for example you can learn to create web pages on an IT course (non-formal) or acquire social skills by performing an honorary activity (informal). Setting up a validation system is intended to evidencing these skills acquired by experience or non-formal education processes and having them recognised.
- SME training: see apprenticeship
- Social space analyses: analysis of the life situation of young people of every local authority. The places and spaces of young people – their qualities, significances and functions – are investigated and the lives of specific target groups, individual in-crowds and cliques (e.g. foreign girls, younger teenagers etc.) examined. This is just a snapshot of the lives of the young people in the German-speaking Community that has no claim to completeness. The social space analyses are carried out by trained youth workers.
- Young people: people from the ages of 12 to 30 years old.
- Youth Report: Broad scientific study focussed on the situation of young people the German-speaking Community. To be published for the first time published in 2018, renewed every five years.
- Youth Strategy Plan: multidisciplinary strategic framework adopted and implemented by the Government every five years. It documents the environment of young people in the German-speaking Community and lays down targets and tasks which contribute to improving the situation of young people.
- Youth work: Youth work takes place out of school and during particular leisure activities and is based on the processes of non-formal and informal learning and voluntary participation. By providing appropriate opportunities, youth work promotes the individual, social and cultural development of young people, while taking account of their interests and needs. Youth work includes open youth work, outreach youth work, youth organisation and youth information.